Best Places In The World To Retire


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Overcoming the 5 Big Obstacles to Retiring Abroad

Pier in Placencia, Belize – Best Places In The World To Retire – International LivingAfter a year and a half of reading over 4,700 answers and 200 stories posted by the expat experts who contribute to Best Places, I've learned a thing or two.
Below is an article I was asked to write for Next Avenue, a website whose media partners include PBS, Huffington Post, etc., and run by very talented and accomplished public television people and journalists.
This article represents the distilled wisdom of...

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In Panama the Benefits of Red Wine vs White Wine on Health

Red wine drinkers delight in proclaiming the benefits of red wine over white wine. Although some new studies indicate there can be some benefits to drinking white wine, red wine wins out above the sweeter white flavors. Some of the important features red wine offers above the lovely whites are:
  • Red wine has a score of 7 as cited by Prevention; white wine has a score of 1
  • Red wine has less sugar content
  • Red wine has more antioxidants
  • Red wine...

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Rainforest and Summit Park in Panamá

Biodiversity in Panamá is well known worldwide.  Case in point: Panamá's prime humid forests, especially in Darién, with one of the oldest jungle areas, as well as Gamboa, Chiriquí and Bocas del Toro.  Rainforest tours are very popular, and many adventure tour operators offer them, in combination with bird watching.
But there is a place, almost unknown to visitors and foreigners, called the Summit Botanical Park, situated 30 minutes from the city, with an area...

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Best Places In The World To Retire