One of the worst reasons I can come up with for
The point is, don't expect to get away from U.S. politics, especially now. You won't. The only advice I can offer, if your expat decision is based on escaping all that foo-farah, is to learn what my wife and I have, to become adept at changing the subject. Our trigger phrase is 'how about those Cubs!' Any time the conversation meanders toward the political and/or liberal Vs Conservative Vs Libertarian etc., one of us says 'how 'bout them Cubs!' Come up with your own expression, and don't be afraid to use it. There are fine, engaging, fun and interesting folks in the expat community wherever you go. Try to engage them on that basis. Don't expect them to have shed all their 'home baggage,' but instead learn to steer them toward better, more satisfying topics. And don't retire abroad to escape the turmoil, it ain't gonna happen.