If you are working abroad and are receiving inc

If you are working abroad and are receiving income from the United States, you are allowed a certain amount of income that you can exclude from US income tax. I don’t keep up with the exact number, but I think it’s up to in the range of US $90,000 or more these days; I’m not sure. However, this is for people who are employed overseas or who have earned income overseas, as opposed to income made from a sale of a house or the sale of stock.
Earned income can be free of taxation at a state and federal level, but only to a certain limit.   That’s one primary difference relative to US income tax liabilities between living overseas and living in the US. It’s a big difference if you have earned income. It does not affect any taxes that might be due though on the sale of assets or social security if you’re getting it and you need to pay taxes for one reason or another.
If you earn money overseas under normal circumstances and you have a record of any taxes paid there, you typically can deduct those taxes paid overseas from the taxes you have to pay in the United States, but you always have to check with a professional as it may be different in some nations. Many countries have treaties with the US on this but it’s a accepted practice that people do not pay taxes twice. Once to another nation and again to the US without recognizing the other tax. They make an allowance for that. 

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