Becoming a Globetrotting Nomad at 58: Would You Pull the Rope?

I was at a lecture a few years ago where the speaker casually mentioned that most members of the audience were in the final third of their lives. As I looked around, I saw a lot of “old people,” so it seemed like he was right.
Then, I did the math relative to myself.
Oh, no! He was talking about me! I realized I was now in the last third of my life. (I’m now 58.) I had never stopped to think about it.
Even before that, I was speaking with a friend who was a few years older than me and in perfect health. He predicted that, given how long he keeps things, he would probably purchase just one more car in his lifetime and had likely bought all the suits he would ever own. “How strange for him,” I thought, until I did the math for myself. I had probably purchased my last suit, too.
Then a year ago in May, while playing basketball, I tore my Achilles tendon. It was just another reminder that not only is tomorrow promised to no one, but neither is the health to live life actively — which, to me, is important.
Every day, whether we want to or not, we play Russian Roulette with our health and even our lives. One day, something will happen; we just don’t know when. I began wondering: Would I wait too long to do the things I wanted to, and then not be able to at all?

We sold our four-bedroom home in Tucson, gave away about half our stuff and put all the other stuff that we couldn’t fit into a huge van we purchased for our adventure into storage.
As the co-founder (with my wife) of the website Best Places in the World to Retire, I had created the business to be able to be run it from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection. I have people working for me in the Philippines and Finland, customers in Central America and Portugal, and people from all over the world as visitors to the site. There was nothing holding me back from life as a digital nomad except for the imagination and the courage to do it.
Our plan is to be mobile, and to “live” at various vacation rentals for six weeks to several months at a time. Since our site is about retiring abroad, our new lifestyle has the added advantage of eventually allowing me to include our experiences among the 500+ expats on our site who answer questions and tell their stories about living abroad.
On April 4, we left Arizona, and recently we were in Chico, Calif. Our rough plan: to drive from there to La Paz, in Baja California, take a ferry to the Puerto Vallarta area, drive the highlands of Mexico to Ajijic / Lake Chapala and then to San Miguel de Allende, reputed to have some of the best weather anywhere. We’ll then drive down to Merida, in the Yucatan Peninsula, over to Belize, and along the way, perhaps visit Nicaragua and Panama. If we can get someone we trust to watch our two dogs, we may even visit Portugal. (By the way, my Spanish is extremely elementary, my wife’s is close to nonexistent, and neither of us speaks Portuguese.)
I’m writing regular updates on my Facebook page. Periodically, I’ll write about my experience for NextAvenue, so perhaps you can see if something like what we’re doing or one of the places we visit would be good for you.
I’m a big fan of Jonathan Look (another nomad traveling the world and a Next Avenue writer) who recently related a quote from a book by journalist and entrepreneur Steven Kotler. It said that once basic survival needs have been met, the three drivers that motivate humans most are: a combination of autonomy (the desire to direct your own life), mastery (the desire to learn, explore and be creative) and purpose (the desire to matter, to contribute to the world).
All three apply to our adventure. So, for me, this observation is “dead on.”

Would you walk across the street to pull the rope to see what sound the giant wind chime makes?
When I asked our landlady (who has lived across from the wind chime since 1987) if she ever pulled the rope, she was a bit perplexed that I would even ask the question. No, she had not (even though it was sitting there, looking right at her, for decades).
I asked my wife if she would pull the rope. Like the landlady, she would not.
So I guess we can divide the world into two groups: those who would pull the rope of a giant wind chime and those who would not.
If you don’t pull the rope, of course, you’ll never know the sound it makes.
Would you pull the rope?
Writer's postscript: After considering the physical danger involved in driving through parts of Guatemala and Honduras to get to Nicaragua and then on to to Panama, we decided not to drive this portion of the trip. We will fly, instead. I'm only for pulling the rope on the windchime where it is safe to do so.
See links to all Mexico road trip stories below. (Panama, Belize and Nicaragua road trips are in the planning stages.) You are currently reading the one highlighted with the yellow background.
To see hundreds of questions answered by expats already living in Mexico, click here.
To see hundreds of questions answered by expats already living in Mexico, Panama, Belize, Nicaragua and Portugal, go here and navigate to the place you're most interested in.
Sign up for the Best Places in the World to Retire newsletter. To see additional additional pictures and videos not in the stories, follow us on Facebook. To see more videos of the trip, see our YouTube channel.
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To download free research studies conducted with over 1,000 expats currently living in Mexico, click here.
Download the free eBook of all the stories below, "Our Year on the Road & Living in Mexico-- Adventures, Challenges, Triumphs, Lessons Learned"
Links to Mexico Road Trip stories:
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Content provided by Best Places in the World to Retire, which provides credible answers to questions about moving abroad, expat stories, and a location advisor to help you find the perfect place for you.
Content provided by Best Places in the World to Retire, which provides credible answers to questions about moving abroad, expat stories, and a location advisor to help you find the perfect place for you.