Merida, Yucatan, from a 400-Year-Old Veranda to a Mystical Cenote

In Merida, in the state of Yucatan, the theme was history, which was more than reinforced from the perspective we enjoyed so often sitting on the elevated veranda of the 400-year-old Hacienda San Pedro Nohpat, overlooking a generous lawn and then the fence separating the hacienda from the little town, in the municipality of Kanasin, about 25 minutes by car from downtown Merida. From this privileged vantage point, we could be observers to the other side of the fence largely unnoticed as the locals went about their day-to-day life, seemingly unaffected by our presence.

To understand modern Merida, you have to know about cenotes and Mayans. And after that, you have to know about henequen. Let’s start with cenotes, because before there were humans in the Yucatan, there were cenotes.
Jet found a highly-rated and more remote cenote called X Batun on TripAdvisor (another juxtaposition the ancient Mayans
About 45 minutes later, we turned off from the main highway to a country road that had long stretches of nothing, except the thick jungle and flat terrain one sees pretty much throughout the entire Yucatan peninsula. There were no towering mountains or valleys like we saw on the road from Puebla to Cordoba, and not even a hill of any size to punctuate the scenery. Just every once in a while, we would see and then pass a trici-taxi, usually being driven by a man, many times without the benefit of a motor, with more often than not a very nicely dressed woman seated and ensconced properly inside, shaded from the sun by the trici-taxi canopy. Occasionally, a small village would appear, and then it was gone.
As we got closer to our destination, it was becoming increasingly common for us to see handmade signs every so often with
Up to a gate we went, where we startled a young man acting as a guard who probably hadn’t seen many people that day. He told us we needed a ticket to pass and pointed to an open-air office that we had already unwittingly passed near a small store about 50 yards away. We purchased our tickets and a life vest for Jet and returned to the now more alert guard, where we dutifully handed over our ticket. Through the gate we went, down a dirt road that ended at a parking lot with no other cars, but had a bored man underneath a palapa doing pretty much nothing but looking at his cell phone. We speculated that his job was to keep order or make certain no one drowned, but we’re not sure.

At the top of the cenote and along the sides, we could see several gorgeous and mature trees, but with their long, gently winding and exposed roots plunging into the cenote water more than 40 feet below, sometimes hugging the dirt along the side, sometimes not. Several of the roots had formed together towards the bottom to create a vine-like grotto and small caves just above the surface of the water. It was a cut-away adorned with plants and outcroppings, all set atop shimmering water that was both clear and colorful at the same time. At the far end of the cenote on a pile of rocks three iguanas watched us, motionless, as if providing silent physical testimony to the timelessness of our location.
Did we dare to go into the water and join this unearthly scene? We did, almost reverentially. We could clearly see and be among fish of different dimensions and colors, some that scattered when we approached and some smaller ones that came by to nibble on us newcomers.
Next on our road trip story, we’ll take you with us to explore more of Merida, meet some present day Mayans, and learn just how the more modern Merida began.
Editor's note: Thank you, Erin Rudin, for providing pictures of X'Batun. (We had lost ours.)
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