Travel is: “fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” So said Mark Twain in his 1869 travelogue titled 'Innocents Abroad.' So I'd say one thing I'm most proud of at becoming an expat is taking old Sam Clemens' advice and moving from the comfort, familiarity, and ease of home.
Utilizing the old brain cells becomes more important as we age, of course, so any assistance I can get in that department is a good thing. Professor Adam Galinsky at the...
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I survived my heart attack. Some of you may have read my harrowing story on this site about my ambulance ride to Panama City (
Why are you shaving my testicles?), which is why I founded The Panama Helpline.
I didn't die - so... What"s Next? Bucket list time: "I have never won a TONY - so let's go get one" I declared to my wife.
I was undeterred that I had never written a musical, I can't play an instrument, I don't...
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