After we bought our property in Belize we were getting excited about building something where we could go and hang out
Initially it started as a cabin with enough room for us and the occasional visitors/family.
We began researching costs and wanted to pay cash for everything. After looking around the country at different types of construction, we realized our budget was not going to let us build a U.S. style home.
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As much as I disdain essays that begin with the phrase, ‘your experience may be different,’ I have no choice here. Your experience obtaining a residency visa in Colombia may indeed be different. Here’s the latest info, and as the title indicates, it’s rudimentary.
You can visit Colombia as a tourist for up to 90 days. This may be extended for an additional 90 days, but the extension must be sought, it’s not automatic. In order to live in Colombia beyond...
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Picture this: you’ve gone to meet your wife after her facial and pedicure at a local boutique hotel. Leaving the bright sunshine outside, you open the thick, wooden doors and are welcomed into the cloistered anteroom. Around you is subdued lighting, ornate furniture, and a smiling, perfectly groomed young female receptionist with Old World mannerisms and a sophisticated hairdo.
Passing into the dining area, your feet and joints appreciate the thick...
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As boomers, quite a few of us had the fantasy when we were in high school or college of getting in a VW van with our friends and hitting the road for parts unknown or taking a year off to travel. What adventures we would have!
Some of us even did it, and have stories to tell. Most of us, however, didn’t....
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I was at a lecture a few years ago where the speaker casually mentioned that most members of the audience were in the final third of their lives. As I looked around, I saw a lot of “old people,” so it seemed like he was right.
Then, I did the math relative to myself.
Oh, no! He was...
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