Respected News Outlets Publish Articles by or About Best Places
Oro Valley, Arizona, USA—September 1, 2016— Best Places In The World To Retire announced today that it continues to add to the list of respected publishers that post articles by our about it.
Chuck Bolotin, Best Places' Vice President of Business Development and Co-Founder, said, "It is extremely gratifying to see all the very positive publicity we're receiving as the result of articles either written by me or by well-known journalists. We have worked extremely hard to be worthy of this honor, and we know that if we didn't have interesting content, these publishers wouldn't be interested. Each article is continuing validation of the value we're providing."
Alan Alexander, Chairman of the Best Places Advisor Board provided some examples. "Just in the last few months, articles by or about Best Places have appeared in TheStreet (600,000 unique monthly visitors); MarketWatch (over 18 million unique monthly visitors); Forbes (about 60 million unique monthly visitors); NextAvenue (about 600,000 unique monthly visitors); and MSN (about 400,000 unique monthly visitors). When we started, of course, no one would publish anything we wrote and no one was interested in covering us, because we started with nothing. It's also important to note that we've accomplished this with no outside agency making contacts; this is entirely an 'in house' success. It's very validating now that we have so many respected organizations are covering us."
Bolotin added, "Having very well known and respected organizations validate the value of our content will lead to other coverage by other organizations, which we are looking forward to. But most of all, our success in being covered means that more and more qualified and interested visitors will come to our site, which is what we've been working towards from the beginning."
Articles by or about Best Places are listed on the Best Places' press page.
About Best Places in the World to Retire
Funded and run by an experienced group of entrepreneurs and investors based primarily in Southern Arizona and utilizing an innovative business model, Best Places In The World To Retire solves the problems of two groups of people: 1) those searching for "no spin," organized, balanced, diverse and credible information about moving, doing business, or visiting abroad; and, 2) for profit organizations seeking new clients and and non-profit organizations seeking new donors and volunteers.
The main areas of the site are: 1) Community Q & A, with thousands of answers to questions, provided by a community of experts; 2) Location Advisor, a real time, interactive, fun and informative questionnaire that recommends the best places to live; 3) Expat Stories, where real expats tell their experiences; and, 4) Marketplace, where for-profit and non-profit organizations have their commercial listings, all tied into the questions they answered and the stories they posted. The study Expats: Expectations and Reality, Expat Reports: Is it Cheaper to Live Abroad, Expat Report: How is Healthcare Abroad and the eBook Panama-- the 62 Things You Must Know, by Jet Metier, is available for free download here.
Best Places in the World to Retire social media properties include its Facebook page and YouTube channel.
Chuck Bolotin
Vice President, Business Development, Marketing & Sales
US (520) 498-0427
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