"Our Year on the Road & Living in Mexico" eBook Released by Best Places in the World to Retire
Alan Alexander, Chairman of the Best Places Advisory Board described the book this way: "In this one book, you can experience all the stories and lessons learned by Chuck and Jet while on the road and living in Mexico, from the border at Baja, to the border with Belize, all from the perspective of complete newbies, which is the perspective of most of the visitors to our site. See what they see, feel what they feel, and learn what we learn. We are especially gratified that several stories about the trip have appeared in very prestigious publications, including Forbes, Marketwatch and NextAvenue. We're very proud to offer the stories here, in this book."
Jonathan Look, founder of the very popular website Life Part 2, who in 2011 sold everything he owned, took early retirement and began traveling the world, said, "Chuck Bolotin has a unique way of combining interesting information, funny stories and practical tips for traveling in a light and readable way. His collection of stories on the joys and travails of traveling in Mexico reflects not on his expertise (because he intentionally had very little before starting his travels), but rather on the proper attitude for thriving while exploring our marvelous neighbor to the south. This is a great book for people new to international travel and life in any country, just like its author was new to it when the book starts. "
Mike Cobb, Chairman and CEO of ECI Development and trailblazing legend in the living abroad field said, "In this book, Chuck Bolotin and Jet Metier undertake a great adventure that most only dream about, 'pulling the rope' so to speak, throwing 'good sense' and 'caution' to the wind. Just like Steve Martin’s grandma in Father of the Bride and her rollercoaster story, life is a lot more fun when you get off the merry-go-round and discover the excitement of everyday things. Follow Chuck and Jet's adventure across Mexico to see if you too can make the decision to cut loose and enjoy a more vivid and exciting ride of life."
Alfonso Galindo, US expat living and doing business in Mexico, serial entrepreneur and now CEO of North America Trust Bank, said simply, "With its depictions of entertaining people, firsthand stories and useful information, If you’re considering traveling or living in Mexico, this book is a 'must read.'"
Download the eBook here: Our Year on the Road & Living in Mexico.
About Best Places in the World to Retire
Funded and run by an experienced group of entrepreneurs and investors based primarily in Southern Arizona and utilizing an innovative business model, Best Places In The World To Retire solves the problems of 1) those searching for "no spin," organized, balanced, diverse and credible information about moving, doing business, or visiting abroad; and, 2) for-profit organizations seeking new clients and and non-profit organizations seeking new donors and volunteers.
The site currently covers the most popular expat destinations in Panama, Mexico, Belize, Nicaragua, and Portugal.
The main areas of the site are: 1) Community Q & A, with thousands of answers to the most often asked questions about living abroad, provided by a community of experts; 2) Location Advisor, a real time, interactive, fun and informative questionnaire that recommends the best places to live; 3) Expat Stories, where real expats share their experiences; and, 4) Marketplace, where for-profit and non-profit organizations have their commercial listings, all tied into the questions they answered and the stories they posted. The following are available for free download here:
- eBooks: Our Year on the Road & Traveling in Mexico; and Panama-- the 62 Things You Must Know
- Studies about Panama, Belize and Nicaragua: Expats: Expectations and Reality; Expat Reports: Is it Cheaper to Live Abroad; and Expat Report: How is Healthcare Abroad
Best Places in the World to Retire social media properties include its Facebook page and YouTube channel.
Chuck Bolotin
Vice President, Business Development, Marketing & Sales
US (520) 940-0481
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