Best Places in the World to Retire Schedules “Soft Launch” for December 24, 2012
Oro Valley, Arizona, USA—December 10, 2012— Best Places in the World to Retire, announced today that it plans to "soft launch" December 24th.
"After well over a year of great attention to detail and careful, deliberate, painstaking development, on December 24th, we should be ready to release the site on a limited basis", said Alan Alexander, Chairman of the Best Places Advisory Board. "The site looks terrific!"
Chuck Bolotin, Vice President of Business Development commented "This will be a big day, not only for our shareholders, but of course for all the people who've contributed; our advisors and friends, and of course, our two primary development partners: ARTiculate Productions in California and HTmyTH in Finland. They've put a lot of themselves into the project: their ideas, their passion, and their commitment to a quality product. The shareholders and management team are very grateful to all these wonderful partners."
Alan Alexander explained the timeline going forward. "The 'soft launch' starts when we are finished with testing and the majority of the development for this phase. We will not, however, at the same time allow the search engines such as Google to have access to the site, so Best Places In The World To Retire won't appear in any search engine results. The reason for this is that Google will give us the best overall rating if we wait to tell them about the site when the site has sufficient content. We're planning for that release to Google and the other search engines in the second quarter of next year."
Chuck Bolotin described the focus for the activities directly after the soft launch. "For the time directly after what we hope to be December 24, we'll be focused on encouraging people to contribute so that, when we do open the site to Google, the people who contribute first will have a big advantage because their answers and stories will come up first."
About Best Places in the World to Retire
Funded and run by an experienced group of entrepreneurs and investors based primarily in Southern Arizona, is dedicated to providing the current or “almost” retiree with organized, unbiased, credible information about retiring abroad, all in an easy to use format. The three main areas of the site are: 1) Community Q & A, with thousands of answers to questions, provided by a community of experts; 2) Location Advisor, an interactive, fun and informative guide to the best places to retire, presented in a questionnaire format; and, 3) Expat Stories, where real expats tell their experiences.
Chuck Bolotin
(520) 498-0427