The People of Boquete, Panama; Warm and Wonderful
As you meander through the village of Boquete you would have to be blind not to notice the beautiful Latin faces. Handsome men and boys; beautiful women and girls, precious babies coming and going up and down the streets each day. The Indian women in their brightly colored dresses; children in school uniforms; teenagers wearing the fashionable logos and labels they love. Even the poorest people are very clean, (unless they are working or just running errands while working.)
Many businesses require a uniform for the staff; banks and department stores alike. It is common to see women in very tall, elegant high heels even on the uneven side walks of Boquete. It is a joy to see that most families delight in dressing their babies and children up when they come to town.
These pictures are examples of a lovely Boquete store and a local Indian girl in native dress. The photo below shows two young ladies in traditional dresses.
There are the gringos too!
Myself with the pretty hand made necklace Arne bought me at the Tuesday Market!