A Trip to The Atlantic - Fort Sherman Panama

One of the best things about moving to Panama is that I have met and I am now friends with people who I would have been likely to even meet at a coffee shop back in Toronto. My group of amigos range from 30 years to 65+ years in age and come from all walks of life and corners of the earth. In the last few months a group of these "unlikely's" as I would call them got together with a common interest and goal of completing a series of Triathlons in Panama. It really happened at a weekly expat gathering when I asked a few of the unlikely's if they ever thought of doing something of this nature. Two months later we completed the Coronado Extreme Triathlon and for 4 out of the 6 of us it was their first completed triathlon. This past weekend, we all traveled up to Fort Sherman and knocked off another Sprint Triathlon and now there is no stopping this group of Coronado Triathletes.
While up on the Caribbean coast we got the opportunity to check out the new Italian Canal Doors that will be installed in the Atlantic locks of the 3rd Canal, which is the recent expansion of the existing canal. It was truly an incredible site, to see these doors on land that will be the gateway to the Atlantic and the entrance into the Canal.
If you do ever get the opportunity to visit Fort Sherman, go for it. Nestled into the Rain Forest on the Atlantic coast you will be sure to encounter a jungle creature or have a monkey cross the road or a gang of "cotamundis" or possibly even a sloth. You may also get a chance to meet a new "unlikely friend" and proceed to experience such amazing adventures in Panama.