Some things in life we earn, and others, we don’t.
We use many names to describe the things that happen to us that we don’t earn, including “fate,” “destiny,” “God’s will”, “luck,” and my personal favorite: “dumb luck.”
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Boquete mornings greet us with cool, fresh air. Except during the rainy season the morning clouds melt away fast and the sky becomes a beautiful jewel tone blue.

The little humming birds come to greet us as we sip coffee in the cool morning air on our patio.
Our patio is private and it is our sanctuary from stress. It is almost always 72 degrees, offers shade, keeps the rain and mist off us as we sit there during the prettiest part of the...
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Anglers take note: Big fish in a big river!!
The week before Christmas five of us guys decided we'd take a road trip and head to the south part of the country and do some fishing. Several of us had been there before and hooked some good sized tarpon, but the size and the ferocity of the fish caused us never to land one. We took a three hour drive south of Managua, and then an hour and a half panga ride (similar to a john boat) east on the Rio San...
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Yesterday was the monthly spay and neuter clinic in Boquete. Over 130 animals were sterilized, thanks to the work of Amigos de Animales, started several years ago.
Some of the workers were talking yesterday of the long term effects of this fantastic program. It's easy to see that this area of Panama has less homeless, starving animals. Stray animals are captured, neutered, nursed back to health and put up for adoption. More Panamanians are...
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There is nothing better than new surroundings to get your mind off of old problems that have been holding you back and bringing you down . A different perspective appears when everything is new and different, especially if it is vividly green and tropical and warm. Being totally surrounded by new people and places may be a bit uncomfortable at first but if it is full of friendly Latin Americans and warm beautiful weather in a tranquil and incredibly beautiful place, it can be easy to let...
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