Ex-patriots are one of the worst things about Panama. Why? Many people do nothing more than look at glossy magazines full of hype, vacation pamphlets filled with exciting activities and resort lifestyles. (Nothing wrong with those, by the way). However one should also do some research about the pros and cons of moving to Panama. Sites like this one have stories and questions answered by real people who have experienced expat live here. There are videos on YouTube that put you...
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We have many friends who are living the day-to-day hardship of the crisis in America. They choose to stay and deal with the political, economic and emotional stress on a daily basis. It takes a toll on everyone of all ages.
My husband and I chose to leave in hopes we could find a less stressful lifestyle. We wanted to be able to afford a more comfortable life in a climate that seems to boost our spirits. We found it in Boquete, Panama! Along with thousands of...
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One of the ways I make my living is on the Panama Expat circuit as an advisor or guest speaker. One of my favorite lines is, “If you want to get in trouble, you have to work at it in Panama.” In my almost 19 years here, I have been robbed twice. Each was basically my fault since I didn't follow my own advice.
In every place I live in, I like to walk around a lot to get the local 'feel'. When I first came to Panama City, it was a boring Sunday so...
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