What I’m Most Proud Of About My Move To Panama

People Get to Know Panama thru Stories

It was in December 2012 when we came to Panama. I had been researching sites, blogs, and magazines online for about two years. It was tedious and often difficult to find the information I wanted. I managed to dig up facts, statistics, places, climate, foods, picture, language, and laws. Still it wasn't long before my heart belonged to Panama. Our lives have changed, a lot. Having things doesn't matter so much in Panama. So letting material things go was a sad thing but a...

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Then Comes the Dawn

It is the same sun after all. Places seem familiar when you arrive in Panama City. You recognize the clean modern airport at Panama City as being so much like the airports in the United States. As you leave by car, taxi or bus you still feel quite impressed by the ease of it all. Once away from the airport, passing shopping venues, multi story apartments and condos, there are billboard signs with well known brand names the same as in the places you left behind. After a...

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Health Matters and the Change Has Been Good

Linda and Arne Jensen seated in Boquete – Best Places In The World To Retire – International LivingIt was two years ago, December 9, 2012 when we landed in Panama City. As excited as I was, the fact that I had bronchitis dampened that feeling a lot. Day two found us looking for yet another round of antibiotics. I bought them over the counter. They worked great, too. I had such severe allergies in the USA, especially in Texas, that I usually had some kind of upper respiratory infection at least twice a year. Odd, but it seemed the doctors had no idea how to treat it. I was given the...

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I Am Proud To Offer Affordable Medical Treatment In Panama

Three years ago, I selected Panama as a regional base for my business. I am very pleased with the results and can state, unequivocally, that I accomplished the principle goal.
Moreover, I have been blessed with the opportunity to help many patients heal and put their lives back together.  Being able to provide efficient access to affordable life-improving and/or life-saving medical care, is very gratifying.
Many patients have touched my heart.  One in...

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Best Places In The World To Retire