It Feels Right in Panama
A group of ladies met for brunch this morning. There were eight or nine of us. Topics varied as we enjoyed coffee or tea with breakfast treats of quiches, bread, fresh fruit, even some excellent brownies. We all live in the same compound so it is easy to get together.
Of course, all talk when there is a new person revolves around getting to know that person. We had a lady who has lived in our community for only a month. During one of those times that conversations seemed to be happening between other ladies, I asked her why she chose Boquete. Like so many others her answer came easily, she said, "God gave me a vision, and I felt compelled to leave the USA." She had a friend that had come before her but she said that was not the reason she came to Boquete. Now, I believe God moves us all in mysterious ways. He somehow motivated this single woman, and a pastor at that, to leave the comfort and all the family, friends, and possessions behind. I find this touching. She lives alone and seems quite happy.

My heath and my husband's have improved quite a lot. He and I enjoy feeling better, and he takes a fraction of the medications he was taking in 2012. I am almost 70 and not taking any prescription medications. That is not just a huge savings, it is an awesome, good thing for both of us. Less stress, less pollution, fewer needs make a difference. This has worked like a charm to make both of us feel like we truly enjoy life more.
Panama offers a multitude of climates, topography, beaches and coastal areas, forests, flat land, and mountains. Cities are fast becoming more like a USA style community with shopping malls, shopping centers and plenty of American chain stores and fast food places are located in the larger towns and cities. The dollar is the same as the Balboa, so spending is easy. Spanish is the official language, so you definitely want to learn basics. The people are warm and friendly, too. Many faiths are found here. Even though it is a highly Catholic nation, Seventh Day Adventist, and other missionary based organizations are here as well.
Panama has rich traditions and culture. The people are beautiful. The history is exciting. I always say come for a visit and stay for a lifetime. It feels right to live here.