How much does it cost for a housekeeper or maid in Bocas Del Toro, Panama?
Anne-Michelle Wand - United Country Bocas del Toro
We pay our maid $20.00 for 4 hours to clean our apartment. She is very good at what she does so we like to give her a bonus on Christmas or a present on her birthday. When you find the good ones, as anywhere, you want to keep them.
We pay our maid $20.00 for 4 hours to clean our apartment. She is very good at what she does so we like to give her a bonus on Christmas or a present on her birthday. When you find the good ones, as anywhere, you want to keep them.
Posted February 17, 2014
Tyson Merrill - Island Property Management S.A.
The cost for a maid or a house keeper in Bocas del Tor can be as low as US $1.77 per hour (around $300 per month). In Panama, there are other payments to employees including one month paid vacation, insurance, liquidation at the end of their contract and quarterly payments known as Decimo. Even with all the payments throughout the contract, you are still paying less than $450 per month for a full time worker.
The cost for a maid or a house keeper in Bocas del Tor can be as low as US $1.77 per hour (around $300 per month). In Panama, there are other payments to employees including one month paid vacation, insurance, liquidation at the end of their contract and quarterly payments known as Decimo. Even with all the payments throughout the contract, you are still paying less than $450 per month for a full time worker.
Posted November 21, 2014

The daily rate is $20, but if you hire someone on a regular basis for full time employment, it comes down to about $17 per day.
( Isla Pájaro, Isla Colon, Bocas del Toro, Panamà, pictured.) ...

The daily rate is $20, but if you hire someone on a regular basis for full time employment, it comes down to about $17 per day.
( Isla Pájaro, Isla Colon, Bocas del Toro, Panamà, pictured.)
Posted February 7, 2015