How much does it cost for a gardener in Bocas Del Toro, Panama?
monique born - Tesoro Escondido Eco Lodge and Cabinas
The minimum wage on Isla Colon for non-skilled labor is $14 per day. You can make a contract for a gardener in Bocas Del Toro to work specific days for a specific sum. Labor laws in Panama are complex and it may be worthwhile to have an attorney draft your employment contract so that there are no surprises when the employee leaves or when, and if, you wish to replace the employee.
The minimum wage on Isla Colon for non-skilled labor is $14 per day. You can make a contract for a gardener in Bocas Del Toro to work specific days for a specific sum. Labor laws in Panama are complex and it may be worthwhile to have an attorney draft your employment contract so that there are no surprises when the employee leaves or when, and if, you wish to replace the employee.
Posted April 23, 2013
Ian Usher - House Sitting Magazine
It is very easy to find people to work on your property for you here, and it will cost you no more than $20 per day.

This is the group of guys I originally employed to clear the little Caribbean island I bought in Bocas del Toro, just off Panama's Caribbean coast.
Every male over about the age of three seems to know how to handle a machete. Once on a walk through the jungle on Isla Bastimentos we passed a local house where a kid...
It is very easy to find people to work on your property for you here, and it will cost you no more than $20 per day.

This is the group of guys I originally employed to clear the little Caribbean island I bought in Bocas del Toro, just off Panama's Caribbean coast.
Every male over about the age of three seems to know how to handle a machete. Once on a walk through the jungle on Isla Bastimentos we passed a local house where a kid still in diapers was hard at work on a coconut with a huge machete. He looked like he knew what he was doing. I still couldn't watch though, and we hurried on.
The employment laws and wage structure takes some getting used to, and taking on a permanent employee would certainly require legal assistance for all the paperwork, and to ensure there were no surprises for both parties.
For my purposes I only needed guys for a short period, and simply worked on a casual cash-in-hand system, paying a day's wage for a day's work. This avoided all of that troublesome paperwork, and gave both myself and my workers the flexibility to work or not work each day as personal circumstances dictated.
I have written much more about my employees and how we got on together during the clearing of my property in my book "Paradise Delayed". It was quite a steep learning curve.
I really enjoyed the challenges and rewards of working with a local group of guys, and my Spanish was greatly improved after three months. I know the words for all sorts of tools and equipment, and am quite versatile at swearing in Spanish too.
Posted June 18, 2013

(The Changuinola River here in Bocas del Toro, Panama, is pictured to the right.)

(The Changuinola River here in Bocas del Toro, Panama, is pictured to the right.)
Posted February 7, 2015