To drive in Belize, do I need Belize automobile insurance?
Apolo Caliz
If you are bringing your car to Belize, you do not need automobile insurance, unless you are planning to keep your car in the country. If you plan to move here, you have to register your car and insure it. You also pay the import taxes that come along with it shipping your car. But if you are here for vacation and you just crossed the country, you already have your regular car insurance from your country.
If you do decide to make Belize your home, then yes, you need Belize car...

If you do decide to make Belize your home, then yes, you need Belize car...
If you are bringing your car to Belize, you do not need automobile insurance, unless you are planning to keep your car in the country. If you plan to move here, you have to register your car and insure it. You also pay the import taxes that come along with it shipping your car. But if you are here for vacation and you just crossed the country, you already have your regular car insurance from your country.
If you do decide to make Belize your home, then yes, you need Belize car insurance. I paid mine last month and it was about US $250, which covers licensing and insurance. My car is a 2005 Mazda Tribute.

If you do decide to make Belize your home, then yes, you need Belize car insurance. I paid mine last month and it was about US $250, which covers licensing and insurance. My car is a 2005 Mazda Tribute.
Posted December 1, 2014
Jim Hardesty - TropicChoice Properties & Investments, Ltd.
Most US policies are not valid south of the border, which includes Mexico, Central and South America.
Minimum liability insurance in Belize is inexpensive and can be purchased from insurance offices at...
Most US policies are not valid south of the border, which includes Mexico, Central and South America.
Minimum liability insurance in Belize is inexpensive and can be purchased from insurance offices at the borders or in the towns. A short one week visitor's policy is just BZ $29 (US $14.50). A popular minimum coverage policy costs BZ $100 (US $50) per quarter.
Comprehensive insurance is available if the vehicle is less than seven years old. Kelly Blue Book values are used and applicable import duty is figured in.
(A jaguar in the Belize Zoo, pictured.)
Posted March 5, 2015