Are taxis readily available in Belize, and what do taxis cost in Belize?
Desorine Leslie
Yes, taxis are available in Belize. The price will vary base on the distance traveled.
The basic cost per stop is $7 BZ (US $3.50). Charter services per hour start at $25 BZ (US $12.50) and for charters for out of district the price ranges from US $300- $500.
The basic cost per stop is $7 BZ (US $3.50). Charter services per hour start at $25 BZ (US $12.50) and for charters for out of district the price ranges from US $300- $500.
Yes, taxis are available in Belize. The price will vary base on the distance traveled.
The basic cost per stop is $7 BZ (US $3.50). Charter services per hour start at $25 BZ (US $12.50) and for charters for out of district the price ranges from US $300- $500.
The basic cost per stop is $7 BZ (US $3.50). Charter services per hour start at $25 BZ (US $12.50) and for charters for out of district the price ranges from US $300- $500.
Posted December 1, 2014
Wendy Miller - RE/MAX Property Center South

In Belize, however, some of the taxis have logos on their vehicle while others have just a sign at the top or back saying taxi. The license plate is green and the vehicles vary in color, not like back home where all of them are...

In Belize, however, some of the taxis have logos on their vehicle while others have just a sign at the top or back saying taxi. The license plate is green and the vehicles vary in color, not like back home where all of them are yellow.
Prices vary based on the distance traveled as well, but for any drop in the vicinity of where the taxi runs they charge a flat rate. Some of them charge as low as $2.50 US (low class vehicle) while other with more amenities( A/C, music) for their customers cost $3.50.
(Andy Vivian Palacio, Belizean world music star and cultural ambassador, pictured.)
Posted September 22, 2015