What are the best opportunities to do volunteer and charity work in Belize?
Nikki Muschamp

Every year they have events here in Placencia, Belize where I am sure we could use some extra hands. It would be nice if we had a few...

Every year they have events here in Placencia, Belize where I am sure we could use some extra hands. It would be nice if we had a few volunteers for Lobster Fest. We also have fishing tournaments. These are locally prepared, but I am sure they are open to having extra hands. I mean anywhere in the world, if you have more people helping, it will be more successful. That is another option.
There are also clean up drives here in Belize, especially in Placencia. Quite a bit of what people in more developed countries would assume would be done by the government is done here in Placencia by the villagers. We cannot wait for the government because the government does not have a lot of cash. They do not collect a lot of taxes, so most things here in the peninsula of Placencia are done by the people. There is a vast opportunity to do volunteer work.
In another aspect, sometimes we have other people who come to do dental missions or eye checkups. I see people who come here and assist in major sicknesses or even in minor sicknesses. Some come here to perform surgeries. Therefore, there is a vast opportunity here in Belize to do volunteer work. It all has do with what aspect of life you are coming from.
There’s a program here about corals, if you are a person who likes to dive and don’t mind spending some time under water; then that’s another way you can volunteer. There’s a lot to do. In Belize you will find a place here that you could fit in perfectly. If you are a person who works with environmental programs, we have SEA (Southern Environmental Association), a group that builds up mangroves.
I know some people here who are working on a project. They pick up garbage and make something out of it, just to make the place look nicer. They make something creative. They even ask the kids to bring stoppers and they make some nice underwater stuff and other things out of garbage. They make the school look a lot nicer, as they add artwork. The artwork is all made up from garbage that were picked up from around the community. They make fish or corals out of plastic bottle caps.
Posted December 1, 2014
Boris Mannsfeld - Boris Mannsfeld & Associates
There are art festivals held here in Belize, which are events which people can volunteer to help set up or get involved selling tickets. A lot of expats, no matter who they are or where they come from, do something new or do something different to help out, so there's always volunteer activity available in Belize.
Posted December 1, 2014
Christian Burn
I also volunteer at the maternity ward here at the Polyclinic in San Pedro, which is a multi-faceted clinic. They have what they call the Baby Day on Wednesdays. The patients bring in all...
I also volunteer at the maternity ward here at the Polyclinic in San Pedro, which is a multi-faceted clinic. They have what they call the Baby Day on Wednesdays. The patients bring in all their little babies, where they are weighed and checked. It is just a total chaos because when these little infants start screaming, they need many volunteers to help process them get the paperwork filled out. I'll do that.
My third pet cause is the Humane Society for Animal Welfare. That is what they call Saga and the good work they do is the neutering, spaying, and treating injured, sick animals.
There are tons of volunteering opportunities and those are the three that I gravitate to. Then my bigger project here is helping get more funding and better equipment for the Polyclinic, which is the free clinic that serves everybody on the island. Just recently, they acquired their own X-ray machine, which is a really big deal. What I do is just getting procedures in place, intake, allowing people's files and records to be accessible so the doctor has the information that he needs to make the proper assessment. The Lions Club is working very heavily and fiercely with the Polyclinic here and I actively support the Lions. My Mom is one of the very first women presidents of the Lions Club in Canada, so the society has always been close to my heart.
Posted December 2, 2014
Erin Ivy - Captain Jak's
Posted January 4, 2015
Jamaal Young

There’s a Children’s Home for orphan kids or kids that have been given up by their parents. There’s the YWCA (Young Women’s Christian Association) that tries to help young ladies who need mentoring or some kind of support. For summer, they have training programs for kids and give swimming lessons. They target kids who need extra help in school and they do all sorts of different and diverse volunteer work that only deals with women.
Posted April 6, 2015
Phil Hahn - Carmelita Gardens

Posted May 14, 2015
Dora Guerra - Atlantic International Bank
There are various organizations country-wide that provide the opportunity to volunteer and do charity work in Belize. They include:
Rotary / Rotaract / Interact- Rotaract and Interact both fall under Rotary International. Rotary International consists of business professionals and community leaders who through their service to others, promote integrity, goodwill, and peace.
The Red Cross- Respond to hurricanes, floods, fires, diseases, HIV...
There are various organizations country-wide that provide the opportunity to volunteer and do charity work in Belize. They include:
Rotary / Rotaract / Interact- Rotaract and Interact both fall under Rotary International. Rotary International consists of business professionals and community leaders who through their service to others, promote integrity, goodwill, and peace.
The Red Cross- Respond to hurricanes, floods, fires, diseases, HIV awareness programs, relief and rehabilitation of victims, as well as special activities focusing on the needy, the elderly and children.
Mercy Clinic and Mercy Kitchen- Mercy Clinic provides medical attention to registered patients and to the elderly poor. Mercy Kitchen helps prepare and deliver food hampers for needy families across Belize City.
Several Children's Homes- They assist many different orphans with a home, food and education.
Saga Humane Society- This is a non-profit, non-governmental organization which aims to prevent cruelty to animals, rescuing strays and finding them loving forever homes.
The Cancer Society - They help establish, promote and further the awareness and treatment of all types of cancer in Belize, and to provide support to those affected and their families.
Posted May 15, 2015
John Acott

Posted June 10, 2015
Jestine Dawson - AQ Belize Car Rental

I know somebody who adopted a child here. They were born Belizeans but they went to...

I know somebody who adopted a child here. They were born Belizeans but they went to live in the States for a while, and then they came back to retire here in Belize. She couldn’t have another kid so she figured to adopt a Belizean kid.
I had a friend who started an orphanage here in Belize. Unfortunately, he passed away but there were arrangements for the orphanage to continue for some time.
Posted January 31, 2016