How are women and girls in Belize treated?
Hannah Weber - Vanilla Hills Lodge

A female friend of mine who owns a small place also has some workers, and quite often her workers do not do what...

A female friend of mine who owns a small place also has some workers, and quite often her workers do not do what she asks them to do. So in the beginning, just to establish my position properly, I paid all our workers. Also, I did some typical men's work, like cutting a tree with a chainsaw. I am sure our workers thought I was crazy because women don't do things like that down here. However, by acting like that, I was able to mark my position.
In a nutshell, if you are in Belize and you are a woman, you have to be tough when you want things done. But overall, women are treated with respect and personally, I never had a problem being treated poorly.
Mothers have a very high status in the family so Belizeans treat women with high respect. On the other hand, there is also domestic violence just like in other countries. The only difference is that for example, in Austria, there are lots of shelters for women and children, whereas here in Belize, there are not that many. Also, there is social stigma in going to a shelter, so women tend to be hesitant to ask for help. It resembles to Europe 40 or 50 years ago.
(Belizean woman, pictured.)
Posted July 21, 2016
Rachel Jensen - Grand Baymen

Many women in Belize, as in many Latin American countries, raise children and tend to the home. ...

Many women in Belize, as in many Latin American countries, raise children and tend to the home. However, there is a growing number of women entering the workplace. It's not uncommon for women to hold high level positions or own businesses. There are many opportunities for education and work for men and women alike.
Overall, Belize is a very safe area for women to be traveling and is an equal opportunity country for the local women. The respect between the men and the women is one aspect of the Belizean culture that truly makes spending time in Belize as a single woman so comfortable and inviting.
(Inauguration of the Rotary Club of Belize, Ambergris Caye, Belize, pictured.)
Posted August 18, 2016
Jennifer Bellerjeau - Cerros Beach Resort

There are women in business and there are women in power here such town councils, or board of directors. It is a very active community. I do not find it difficult being a woman here in Belize. I have businesses on the side with my husband and people treat me very well here.

There are women in business and there are women in power here such town councils, or board of directors. It is a very active community. I do not find it difficult being a woman here in Belize. I have businesses on the side with my husband and people treat me very well here.
(Belize Tourism Industry Association, Corozal Chapter, Belize, pictured.)
Posted October 8, 2016
Cristina Johnson
Women are treated completely differently in Belize than in America.
There is a strange sort of motherly-type reverence for women, combined with a sort of indifference to the contributions they can make besides cooking, cleaning, and child-bearing.
Infidelity is rampant - particularly among males - as this is commonly the measure of a man: how much money he has and how many "pikny" (children) he has. It is unfortunate but true.
Women are treated completely differently in Belize than in America.
There is a strange sort of motherly-type reverence for women, combined with a sort of indifference to the contributions they can make besides cooking, cleaning, and child-bearing.
Infidelity is rampant - particularly among males - as this is commonly the measure of a man: how much money he has and how many "pikny" (children) he has. It is unfortunate but true.
As with any place in the world, there are exceptions but generally speaking, consider this scenario:
If you're a woman at a bar and you're sitting alone, surely there must be something wrong. It is not uncommon for a Belizean man to attempt to buy you a drink. If you tell him you are uninterested or you want to be alone, their first response is, "Why? Is your husband going to get angry?" This indicates all women are owned. They're property. And your assertion that "No, I don't want a drink." is not enough. In the event that your husband/boyfriend does show up, the Belizean male will apologize to him for talking to you.
After all, you're his property.
I absolutely love Belize and I also appreciate that the male population loves every type of woman - short, tall, fat, thin, black, white, young, old. In this way, as I said, they have a reverence for the importance of the female population.
But in terms of equal rights, it is not a progressive country.
Posted January 24, 2018