Mombacho Puro (Cigar) Party, Nicaragua
While I'm not a big cigar user, I like to visit one of the newest attractions in Nicaragua. We have, in the years past, driven all the way to Esteli to purchase cigars for resale or for gifts to my golf buddies back in the states. And my son Josh gets some real mileage when he produces a handful of freshly rolled Nicaraguan tobacco to his golf friends. So I'm always on the hunt for new product.
I didn't remember that the weekend that I was vacationing in Granada was the same one that held the Mombacho Cigar Factory's annual employee/client open house. Beverages, bocadillas (snacks), and free cigars were available to invitees. I was invited (once removed) by John-Marc Gallagher who lives in the Granada area. We had a grand time, and enjoyed the evening, especially being served with cigars, offered, cut and lit by the three ladies in the photo.
Many thanks to Claudio and the fine people who have made this organization a classy and delightful place to visit. If you find yourself in Granada and wish to visit, Mombacho has a retail section in their factory and would welcome you to come by.