Helping The Most Most Vulnerable Among Us

My initial plans were to retire to San Tropez in the South of France, but fate has a way of planning dreams and for some reason not revealed clearly to me, I decided to move to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
When I told my partner that I was going to retire and decided to sell my share of the company to him (my partner is Korean and speaks very little English), he said "Retire! You are too young. Where are you going to retire?"
I said boldly, "San Miguel de Allende, Mexico."
He retorted, "MEXICO! Now I know you are crazy. Let me call your family".
Anyway, a month or so later, I moved with two suitcases to San Miguel de Allende.
I woke up each day and did absolutely nothing. I was getting bored doing nothing. I felt like I was wasting my talents.
One evening on my way home, I saw an elderly gentleman trying to extract his own teeth. When I asked him what was he doing, he said, "Tengo dolor senor. No hay dinero!" ("I have pain, sir. I have no money.")
I took him across the street, bought him medication and asked him to meet me the same spot at 10.00 am the next day. I warned him to be punctual because by then I realized that most Mexicans had time management challenges.
The following day on cue, we met. I took him to a dentist and she extracted the tooth. The gratitude that this man showed me took me to another place, and after cogitating on my life which I had begun to feel was empty. I decided to do something to help the Mexican people in the marginalized communities in San Miguel de Allende, and so on March 28, 2012 before Notary Public No. 18, Lic. Salvador Almeida Alvarez, I formed the dental charity known as DentalMex Plan, A.C. RFC DPL1203283J0.
DentalMex Plan, A.C., since its inception has been dedicated to providing free dental care to young children and the elderly from poor communities, but up until now the Association has never received any private funding or assistance, and I continue to use my own resources to help the less fortunate.
DentalMex Plan, A.C. is one of a very select few Associations in San Miguel de Allende which has the Authority from SAT (tax department) to give "Recibios Deducibles" (tax receipts).
We visit the local communities and provide basic dental treatment , but in most cases , they are sent to my clinic for free dental treatment.
At present, we are treating 297 children from the Agustin Gonzalez community who are suffering from Fluorosis due to the high incidence of Arsenic, Fluoride and Mercury in the drinking water. Last year, we examined 317 children in two of the schools (primary and secondary) in Agustin Gonzalez and found that 297 had Fluorosis. Incredible!
Its very costly treating this abnormality and the parents of these children do not have the resources, so I treat as many as I can. With Fluorosis, the teeth and bones become brittle as there is a deficiency of calcium due to these elements in the drinking water. It's a project that seems to have no end and local government seems to have turned its back on these people...
Sponsors are welcome to contact my charity to learn more or go to our website to make a small donation.
(Indigenous Indian children, Mexico, pictured.)