What are the holidays of El Valle de Anton, Panama?
Bill Brunner
Panama, like the US, has 12 holidays per year but their holidays run from the 3rd of November through the 1st of May. In November, there are four different Independence Days that are celebrated on the 3rd, 5th, 10th, and 28th of the month. Mother’s Day is on the 8th of December. Christmas and New Year’s Eve are also holidays here. Martyr’s day is on the 9th of January, which is the same as Martin Luther King Day.
Patron Saint’s Day...
Panama, like the US, has 12 holidays per year but their holidays run from the 3rd of November through the 1st of May. In November, there are four different Independence Days that are celebrated on the 3rd, 5th, 10th, and 28th of the month. Mother’s Day is on the 8th of December. Christmas and New Year’s Eve are also holidays here. Martyr’s day is on the 9th of January, which is the same as Martin Luther King Day.
Patron Saint’s Day is also a holiday in El Valle de Anton. Typically, all of Latin America has a Patron Saint’s Day and many individuals celebrate a saint’s day of their own which is probably the same as their birthday. There are different Patron Saint’s Days for different regions, and El Valle has its own.
Posted September 5, 2014