Is El Valle de Anton, Panama safe?
Roy Cannon - Gestoria Cocle - main office in Penoneme
Due to the increasing interest in El Valle de Anton, not only by locals from the city but by tourists visiting the coast, the police force has recently been doubled. There is a bank opening soon, so the thought is that this may attract a different type of delinquent, and for this reason a special motorcycle group has been installed just to keep an eye on things.
The normal problems here seem to be between locals, domestic violence is unfortunately an on-going...
Due to the increasing interest in El Valle de Anton, not only by locals from the city but by tourists visiting the coast, the police force has recently been doubled. There is a bank opening soon, so the thought is that this may attract a different type of delinquent, and for this reason a special motorcycle group has been installed just to keep an eye on things.
The normal problems here seem to be between locals, domestic violence is unfortunately an on-going problem. The occasional problem that touches the ex-pat community is burglary, usually when the property is vacant. These burglaries are frequently local kids who are opportunistic, so the key is to be safe and make your home less attractive to the passing opportunist than others in the area. Keep your bicycle chained up, and keep your license plate (yes bikes need a license plate - and a drivers license) up to date. Crimes or violence against foreigners is rare, but there is an alcohol problem with the locals, so avoiding conflicts with these people when inebriated is common sense.
Posted April 10, 2013
Ingrid Lommers - Spanish at Locations
We visited El Valle last year and felt totally safe all the time. I understand that soon a bank will open and El Valle is getting more popular by tourists, so the situation might change, but for now, I think it is super safe!
We visited El Valle last year and felt totally safe all the time. I understand that soon a bank will open and El Valle is getting more popular by tourists, so the situation might change, but for now, I think it is super safe!
Posted June 27, 2013
Mark Hurt
I would tell you that El Valle de Anton is safer then where your living right now. The people here are very laid back and don't like to get into it with others. Our gun crime is nothing; no one has been killed with a gun here since I have been here, 8 years. No one has been raped. Our crime is petty things. Do we lock our homes? Sure, light up the outside, even have bars on the windows and doors. Why? Well just because it hasn't happened...
I would tell you that El Valle de Anton is safer then where your living right now. The people here are very laid back and don't like to get into it with others. Our gun crime is nothing; no one has been killed with a gun here since I have been here, 8 years. No one has been raped. Our crime is petty things. Do we lock our homes? Sure, light up the outside, even have bars on the windows and doors. Why? Well just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it never will.
Posted November 10, 2013
Lourdes Townshend
Well, name a place that you can be assured is 100% free of any special circumstances..... maybe it doesn´t exist. Miami, Chicago, Cape Cod, Oregon, and so many little towns around the world; it´s impossible for them to qualify as "crime free".
But in general, El Valle is considered to be a very safe place; attractive to visitors and a very picturesque town known for it´s beautiful flowers, birds,...
Well, name a place that you can be assured is 100% free of any special circumstances..... maybe it doesn´t exist. Miami, Chicago, Cape Cod, Oregon, and so many little towns around the world; it´s impossible for them to qualify as "crime free".
But in general, El Valle is considered to be a very safe place; attractive to visitors and a very picturesque town known for it´s beautiful flowers, birds, butterflies, mountains, fog, excellent weather and warm people.
The locals, who are very sensitive people, are very much aware that visitors bring prosperity to the town, so the locals take very good care of all of the visitors, and try to make their stay very pleasant. They do their best crafts, take pride in the knowledge of their surroundings, and make their best effort to insure that each visitor has the best experience. This is especially true during the weekdays, when the town is not in full capacity, like it is on the weekends.
Lately, large groups of Latin American visitors, especially from South America love to come to El Valle, and visit "The Níspero", the local exotic birds and animal zoo and the orchids sanctuary, making El Valle more and more attractive.
The Tourism Authority is also making its best effort to include new attractions and infrastructure in El Valle , as well as other methods to protect the environment, regulate tourism and noise, increase services, and increase the safety of foreign and local residents and maintain any type of crime at the very lowest rate possible. However, it is not always possible to totally avoid everything. As always, using common sense is very wise.
Posted November 11, 2013
Neil Stein - Panama Paraiso
There was a warning issued yesterday from Panama City saying that there have been a number of break-ins that have happened around the country recently and I don’t know why suddenly these incidents are happening. Of course, there are some crimes here in El Valle de Anton. This is one of the reasons why most properties here are fenced or gated, and there are bars on the windows. Petty crime is common here as it is in Hawaii where I have lived for 19 years but it is not worse here....
There was a warning issued yesterday from Panama City saying that there have been a number of break-ins that have happened around the country recently and I don’t know why suddenly these incidents are happening. Of course, there are some crimes here in El Valle de Anton. This is one of the reasons why most properties here are fenced or gated, and there are bars on the windows. Petty crime is common here as it is in Hawaii where I have lived for 19 years but it is not worse here. The crimes here in El Valle are not violent crimes. It is quite often just kids breaking in to steal your cell phone or a computer (if it’s lying around) or some jewelry and other valuables. Most people have two or three dogs on their property for this reason.
For me, whatever crime we have here in El Valle is not really a big deal. I have talked to friends who live here in El Valle, and most of them have never been broken into. I hate to say this, but it is a fact: the expats who are really liked by local Panamanians here in El Valle, do not get broken into. So I think, when the people like you, they stay away and they will not bother you.
Posted September 27, 2014
Adam Brunner - abc realty panama

I was mugged once in the United States and thrice in Panama City. I have never been mugged in...

I was mugged once in the United States and thrice in Panama City. I have never been mugged in El Valle. Like I said, my neighbors and I are very well acquainted with one another and we look out for one another. In other areas, people do not know and understand that you have to rely on your neighbors. I’ve heard a lot from other folks who are expats who come down to Panama and aren’t used to this sort of arrangement. They find themselves alone and stuck “out in the wind” and there is a greater chance of a crime being committed against them because they don’t have a good system around them. To get to know your neighbors, go up and introduce yourself. You’ll find that people are very receptive toward people who introduce themselves and want to know their neighbors.
I would tell anybody moving to Panama to get a dog, which is the best security system you can have in that world. Most thieves leave when they hear a dog. If the thief hears a dog and sticks around, there is something wrong with him mentally.
Posted February 19, 2015