Is there diving, SCUBA or snorkeling in and around El Valle de Anton, Panama?
Marisa Ferrera
No, there is no SCUBA diving in El Valle de Anton, Panama, because it is located about 600m above sea level.
No, there is no SCUBA diving in El Valle de Anton, Panama, because it is located about 600m above sea level.
Posted February 5, 2013
Adam Brunner - abc realty panama

An advantage for Panama is that you can go SCUBA diving in either the Pacific or the Atlantic Ocean. On the Pacific side, you can go to The Perlas or Pearl Islands (pictured) or Taboga Island, although I hear the diving is not as good out there as it used to...

An advantage for Panama is that you can go SCUBA diving in either the Pacific or the Atlantic Ocean. On the Pacific side, you can go to The Perlas or Pearl Islands (pictured) or Taboga Island, although I hear the diving is not as good out there as it used to be.
On the Atlantic side, you can go to Portobello and look for Drake’s Treasure, if you want. You can also go to many areas within Boas del Toro. Isla Grande is a pretty good dive for adventure travel and activities. If you can get permission from the Kunas, you can go diving out in the San Blas Islands. People used to dive out there, but the divers used to take stuff from the reef and the Kunas don’t want people to do that anymore.
In short, if you were in El Valle, the closest to any of these places would be two hours by car. If you have your own equipment and you know where you’re going, El Valle is a good place because we’re right in the middle of Panama and right in the middle of those diving sites.
Posted February 22, 2015