What's the price of a home, condo or apartment in Nicaragua?
Mike Cobb - ECI Development
Home prices in Nicaragua vary as much as land and condo prices in Nicaragua do. Remember this adage. For new construction, concrete, rebar, steel trusses engineered for the seismic level, windows, doors, faucets, wire, tiles, sinks, toilets, lights, drywall, circuit boxes, conduit, and roofing materials are all priced at world price. There is no discount because you are buying these in Nicaragua. Labor is less, but labor only accounts for 1/3 of the cost of a new home. So...
Home prices in Nicaragua vary as much as land and condo prices in Nicaragua do. Remember this adage. For new construction, concrete, rebar, steel trusses engineered for the seismic level, windows, doors, faucets, wire, tiles, sinks, toilets, lights, drywall, circuit boxes, conduit, and roofing materials are all priced at world price. There is no discount because you are buying these in Nicaragua. Labor is less, but labor only accounts for 1/3 of the cost of a new home. So if labor is only 25% of the U.S., then the total cost of a house in Nicaragua is about 3/4 that of a comparable home in North America. Older construction can and will be cheaper, but wiring and plumbing issues will be a concern.
Comparing stick built on the East Coast of the U.S. to concrete built in Nicaragua is not an apples to apples comparison. For new construction outside of Managua, built to a standard North Americans want and expect, also to a California seismic code, expect to pay US $70-$80 per square foot, plus land cost. Some lots in the city will have to have high walls, negating a ‘cheap price’. Lots nearer the beach can range from US $29,000 to $300,000, depending on property and location to the ocean. Nicer finishes higher. The advantage of lower labor costs are that fine hardwood cabinets, tile floors, and ironwork that would cost a fortune in the States are inexpensive here and beautiful.
Posted January 19, 2014
Russell Newman - RusSELL Realty
As in any country, in Nicaragua the prices for homes will fluctuate depending on location. We are centered in Granada, Nicaragua and have homes for sale as low as US $20,000, a nice little 2 bedroom 2 bath in a decent location for less than $100,000 and of course, larger colonial villa-style 5-7 bedrooms, 4-6 bathrooms and more for $200,000 and over $1.5 million.
On the Pacific or Emerald Coast, as they are beginning to call it, it all depends...
As in any country, in Nicaragua the prices for homes will fluctuate depending on location. We are centered in Granada, Nicaragua and have homes for sale as low as US $20,000, a nice little 2 bedroom 2 bath in a decent location for less than $100,000 and of course, larger colonial villa-style 5-7 bedrooms, 4-6 bathrooms and more for $200,000 and over $1.5 million.
On the Pacific or Emerald Coast, as they are beginning to call it, it all depends about how far north you go. As a rule the further north from the resorts the cheaper the housing and the land. We have larger (and older) homes right on the ocean for less than $200,000.
Posted April 5, 2014
Dr. Carlos Alemán - Centro de Diseño Denta (Clínica Dental)

If you want a smaller place and far from Managua by about 20 to 30 minutes, the houses would cost around $80,000 and could vary depending on the type of materials and the size of house. The location is also a big factor of the price.
(Beach condo in San Juan de Sur, Nicaragua, pictured.)
Posted December 17, 2016
Jeffrey Soderlind - Horizon Group
We are based along the southern Pacific coast in the Tola region (often referred to as the Emerald Coast). Prices for turnkey properties here are on the rise, but are still less expensive than those in San Juan del Sur. Home prices here range from $150,000 up to $1,700,000 and condo prices range from $250,000 to...
We are based along the southern Pacific coast in the Tola region (often referred to as the Emerald Coast). Prices for turnkey properties here are on the rise, but are still less expensive than those in San Juan del Sur. Home prices here range from $150,000 up to $1,700,000 and condo prices range from $250,000 to $500,000. As you can see, prices cover pretty much the entire spectrum.
There are many nice homes outside of the larger, up-scale developments that range from $150,000 to $300,000. These homes generally have nice finishes and offer good value. Once you start looking inside the developments, homes generally start as low as $300,000 and go up to $800,000. These homes are all very high-end and have anywhere from 3 to 6 bedrooms, pools, garages, etc.
When searching for a home or condo, it is very important to do your research on the local market where you are interested in purchasing so you can determine what properties are a good deal and which ones might not be. It's good to compare the cost of purchasing a lot and building yourself versus buying a completed home, too. If you have the time, view every home that meets your criteria (budget, size, etc.) so you can make an educated decision - whether you decide to buy or not.
(Second-story porch covered with a thatched roof, Playa Popoyo, Nicaragua,pictured.)
Posted June 10, 2017