How much does it cost to have a cell phone in Nicaragua?
Valeria Espinoza - Gran Pacifica
The cost to have a cell phone in Nicaragua depends on the type of phone you want to buy and the plan you want to have.
The price for a cell phone will start from $20 (for a little basic phone) to $1,000 (iPhone 5S or Samsung Galaxy). You can also bring your phone from different countries, and if it's factory unlocked you will surely be able to use it in Nicaragua. You will only need to buy a SIM card from either of the two companies CLARO...
The cost to have a cell phone in Nicaragua depends on the type of phone you want to buy and the plan you want to have.
The price for a cell phone will start from $20 (for a little basic phone) to $1,000 (iPhone 5S or Samsung Galaxy). You can also bring your phone from different countries, and if it's factory unlocked you will surely be able to use it in Nicaragua. You will only need to buy a SIM card from either of the two companies CLARO or MOVISTAR and buy minutes for your card. You can buy minutes from $1 to $100, depending on how much you expect to spend and if you are only using it for a short period of time.
However, if you are planning to stay for a long term, I suggest you pay a monthly plan from one of the two companies. Prices for plans go from $12 to unlimited (if looking for unlimited plan). For example: a plan that includes 120 minutes and internet cost around $34 per month.
I hope this gives an idea of the cost of having a cell phone in Nicaragua.
Posted January 28, 2014
Michael Vogelsang - Redwood Beach Resort
Hello - If you are visiting Nicaragua, a neat trick in is to purchase a micro SIM from Movistar for your iPhone or iPad. As long as it is unlocked (jailbroken), you can buy the SIM for as little as $12 and a weekly internet/phone plan for about the same amount. This may not work as well for people from the U.S. who have a long-term plan through Verizon or AT&T (remember, your device must be unlocked.) Its a good thing to try if you will be here for a...
Hello - If you are visiting Nicaragua, a neat trick in is to purchase a micro SIM from Movistar for your iPhone or iPad. As long as it is unlocked (jailbroken), you can buy the SIM for as little as $12 and a weekly internet/phone plan for about the same amount. This may not work as well for people from the U.S. who have a long-term plan through Verizon or AT&T (remember, your device must be unlocked.) Its a good thing to try if you will be here for a few weeks.
Posted March 7, 2014
Aaron Skelly
I am happy to have simplified my life in Nicaragua and downgraded to a very basic phone. I use a prepaid Claro cell phone that cost some US $20 - $25 for the device itself. While I don't use the phone often, I add maybe $5 / week (adding credit is simple - it can be done at many ATMs, shops, street side stands, grocery stores, etc). Better yet, every couple days you will be notified by Claro that by...
I am happy to have simplified my life in Nicaragua and downgraded to a very basic phone. I use a prepaid Claro cell phone that cost some US $20 - $25 for the device itself. While I don't use the phone often, I add maybe $5 / week (adding credit is simple - it can be done at many ATMs, shops, street side stands, grocery stores, etc). Better yet, every couple days you will be notified by Claro that by recharging on certain days your credit will be tripled, quadrupled or even quintupled.
I often use my phone to call back to the States at just $0.15 / minute, I'm not sure what local calls cost, but even less it seems. I don't use data, but I understand there are some very reasonable plans with unlimited data / calls / messages. Certainly more reasonable than the $120 / month I was paying in the States. Hope this helps!
Posted March 19, 2014
Daniel Snider - Snider's Realty Nicaragua
The cost of cell phone in Nicaragua depends on the type of service one requires. Basic pre-paid minute phones are extremely cheap and recommendable when traveling throughout the country. For about US $20 you can buy a phone and load up on minutes as desired. These can be purchased very easily in any grocery store or gas station.
Data plans vary but I pay about $50 a month for my iPhone 5 and have all of the capabilities I had with my Verizon phone...
The cost of cell phone in Nicaragua depends on the type of service one requires. Basic pre-paid minute phones are extremely cheap and recommendable when traveling throughout the country. For about US $20 you can buy a phone and load up on minutes as desired. These can be purchased very easily in any grocery store or gas station.
Data plans vary but I pay about $50 a month for my iPhone 5 and have all of the capabilities I had with my Verizon phone for $80 a month in the States; 2 mps internet speed, unlimited data and calls for normal business use throughout the day, as well as a few short call to the States a few times a week.
Posted July 23, 2014
Dr. Carlos Alemán - Centro de Diseño Denta (Clínica Dental)

You could also opt to have prepaid service, where you would top up your phone with credits so that you can use it. You put in $10, for example, which may be good for 2 weeks depending on your usage. It allows you to make international and national calls. They also have promos where if you register for a certain promo with a certain cost, they would double or triple the amount of credits that are loaded on your phone. Some people prefer to use prepaid and use their phones on days where there are special offers, while some people prefer to have a postpaid account where they pay a monthly fee for the plan.
(Graphic for Ultra Mobile Data Plus, which has roaming in Nicaragua, pictured.)
Posted September 18, 2016