What's the price of a home, condo or apartment in Yucatan: Riviera Maya, Playa del Carmen, Cancun, Merida, etc?
Wade Yarchan - Yucatan Beach Homes

If you want to find something nice, something that has been reworked a little bit, with the electric updated, plumbing,...

If you want to find something nice, something that has been reworked a little bit, with the electric updated, plumbing, air-conditioning, nice windows and doors, the prices will start between $50,000 to $60,000 for a one bedroom, one bathroom house that is not on the ocean. It would be on the second, third, or fourth row back from the ocean.
On the oceanfront, teardowns can start at around $100,000 and more but you can buy some magnificent houses here for $300,000 and $400,000 that are in a neighborhood similar to my neighborhood in Sarasota, Florida. If you go anywhere here in the Yucatan Riviera, $300,000 is going to buy an updated house, on a single lot, anywhere from 12 to 14 meters wide and 40 to 60 meters deep. That will buy you something in the area of 2,500 to 3,000 square feet with a garage. It would usually have pretty nice landscaping, and be a very good house in structurally good condition. Water, electric, sewage, and everything else is updated on the house. That same house in Florida would cost you about $6 million on the Gulf of Mexico.
In Merida, you can go and find the tiniest, little place. Merida is a city that is hundreds of years old. Many of the properties have been divided and subdivided and subdivided again between families so sometimes you could find these little tiny places that you can buy for $30,000. If you go to the north side of Merida, which is very big and very “happening” right now, you could buy a nice house for about $70,000 to $80,000, not on the water but in the city. There are also houses in Merida that costs millions and that would be the most gorgeous places that you would find in your life.
In Cancun, you could get condos off the beach for $80,000 to $100,000. On the beach and in some adjoining areas on the Riviera Maya, the houses would cost about $1 million. Those would be magnificent homes.
(Very basic three bedroom, two bathroom house on a double lot, three rows back from the ocean; asking price $58,936, Yucatan, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted October 11, 2015
Jason Waller - Playa del Carmen Real Estate
If you’re in...
If you’re in the tourist zone in Playa del Carmen, where I live, in something where you can walk to the beach or to 5th avenue and walk to shopping, the price would be about US $250,000 to $500,000 for the upper condos. If you’re on the beach, the cost will be $550,000 to over a million dollars for a condo.
If you go a little farther south of Playa Del Carmen, to Puerto Adventuras, it gets smaller. You can pick something on the beach there for a 2-bedroom condo for $300,000.
The lower priced condos are around 1,2000 square feet. If you get a penthouse, you could have private rooftop areas, sometimes there’s a bedroom up there and extra living space, so you can get up into the 3,000 to 4,000 square feet range.
For $250,000 to $500,000 you’re going to be 1,200 to 3,000 square feet more or less for a condo.
The starting price for a house is usually just under $500,000 for a 3 to 4 bedroom house, starting at 3,500 square feet. And then you can find good houses for a couple million dollars that are mansions.
(Luxury villa on a private white sand beach in the gated community of Puerto Aventuras, Playa del Carmen, Yucatan, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted November 23, 2015
Mitch Keenan - Mexico International Real Estate

Condos are not quite as available in town but townhouses are. You could buy a very nice three-bedroom, three-bathroom townhouse with 1,500 square feet for as little as $7,990 but it would probably...

Condos are not quite as available in town but townhouses are. You could buy a very nice three-bedroom, three-bathroom townhouse with 1,500 square feet for as little as $7,990 but it would probably need some updating. The same townhouse that is completely brand new would cost up to $200,000. We just sold a brand new 2,500 square foot townhouse located in central Merida. Everything in that house is brand new from the windows, floors, doors, electric, plumbing, all the way to the roof, pool, filtration systems, and air-conditioners. I did the inspection on it because I also have a home inspection business. That house sold for $140,000.
(Renovated townhome offered for $199,000 in Merida, Yucatan, pictured.)
Posted January 23, 2016
Thomas Lloyd - Top Mexico Real Estate

The average price of a condo in Playa del Carmen is $291,659 USD and the average price for a home is $453,000 USD. In Tulum, the average price for a condo is $236,206 USD and the average home costs $359,000 USD....

The average price of a condo in Playa del Carmen is $291,659 USD and the average price for a home is $453,000 USD. In Tulum, the average price for a condo is $236,206 USD and the average home costs $359,000 USD. The average price of a condo in Merida is much lower, it is only $144,000 USD and the average home costs only $298,000 USD. These prices take in to account all of the properties in the area that are on the market.
For example in the Riviera Maya, you can purchase a new per-construction, modern 2 bedroom condo with great amenities located only a couple blocks from the beach for around $150,000 USD.
The great thing about Mexico is that there is something to fit everyone’s budget. And in most part of the Riviera Maya the beach is just a short walk or bike ride away.
(Condo in Tulum, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted April 26, 2016
Paulina Almeida - Tao Real Estate

This price is strictly for Tao Mexico which is a master planned community that’s higher end with an enormous amount of residential...

This price is strictly for Tao Mexico which is a master planned community that’s higher end with an enormous amount of residential amenities and part of a much larger community
In Playa del Carmen and in Tulum, condos also cost $180,000 but these condos are a lot smaller because of the fact that Tulum now has a lot of construction going on.
Pricing of land is different in Tulum because the land is from Ejido, which means it is owned by a cooperative where there are some complications on clear title. When there is a lot of Ejido land, it takes a lot of land off of the market, so the remaining land becomes much more valuable, and therefore more expensive. This is why it’s really difficult to buy land in Tulum.
In Tulum, it is a little complicated to construct and to buy land, and that’s why I would not recommend investing in Tulum. The rest of the Riviera Maya, on the other hand, does not have a lot of Ejido land.
It is a little bit more expensive in Cancun than Tulum. In Cancun, you will get a loft with one bedroom for $180,000. That would be in a good, safe area, but it will be smaller.
(TAO Inspired Living condos and golf course, Akumal, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted March 18, 2017
Parrish Kondra - Caban Condos Mexico

We are providing affordable ocean front entry prices from $159,900 for 3 bedroom, 2 bath 1640 sq ft condos and $139,900 for 2 bedroom, 2 bath 1100 sq ft ocean view villas. All on a white sand beach located just outside the beautiful city of Merida including all high end finishings and details.
Posted August 14, 2018