What would my neighbors be like in Placencia, Belize?
Giancarlo Vega
What your neighbors would be like in Belize will all depend on where you live. For example, here in Placencia, people keep to themselves and do not really mess with their neighbors. They stay at home, not going out. However, once you go to Belize City or those places further up north on the peninsula of Placencia, the people there are sociable. They like going to their neighbor's house, having conversations, etc.
Well, here on the peninsula of Placencia,...
What your neighbors would be like in Belize will all depend on where you live. For example, here in Placencia, people keep to themselves and do not really mess with their neighbors. They stay at home, not going out. However, once you go to Belize City or those places further up north on the peninsula of Placencia, the people there are sociable. They like going to their neighbor's house, having conversations, etc.
Well, here on the peninsula of Placencia, people are friendlier. Sometimes they are quiet, depending on the area, where you live, but most of the time they will be friendly, like people who do not seek trouble, not anything like that.
It is somewhat embarrassing to say this, but people who are not from Belize run 80% of Placencia. Many Belizeans live in Placencia, but most of the properties are run by people from other countries.
Posted December 1, 2014
Boris Mannsfeld - Boris Mannsfeld & Associates
The thing I like most particularly in Placencia is that there are a lot of interactions between the locals and everybody else. One reason is because the locals speak English; everybody speaks English. In Placencia, we do not have animosity and discrimination, so you can interact with anybody here. I have a lot of friends here who are locals, including a taxi cab drivers, nannies, some of the people who clean rooms in the hotels, all the way to resort owners and businessmen.
The thing I like most particularly in Placencia is that there are a lot of interactions between the locals and everybody else. One reason is because the locals speak English; everybody speaks English. In Placencia, we do not have animosity and discrimination, so you can interact with anybody here. I have a lot of friends here who are locals, including a taxi cab drivers, nannies, some of the people who clean rooms in the hotels, all the way to resort owners and businessmen.
In Placencia there is a whole variety of socio-economic, religion, and ethnic diversity and everybody seems to get along. So your neighbor could be a retired American, or it could be a local taxi driver or it could be a guy who owns a coffee shop. We have a whole variety of people down here and everybody really seems to get along and interact.
Posted December 1, 2014
Wayne Robbins - The Placencia

In our neighborhood, we have a mix of people ranging in age from their...

In our neighborhood, we have a mix of people ranging in age from their high forties to retirees to those who are still working. We also have a couple of ex-congressmen as well. Your neighbor in Placencia can be an ex-congressman, a firefighter or a policeman. It is a wide range. The community in Placencia gels very quickly. Everyone becomes a very good friend. Placencia has a nice community. When I’m in Placencia, they ask me how I’m doing and how my family is and I ask them about their kids. It is a great community and I love my neighbors. The whole peninsula and the different districts have great communities.
When you are in Placencia, you can take a day trip to Belmopan, which is the capital, or you go up the San Ignacio mountains, or go to the Belize City for the day. You’re never bored. I’m always busy in Placencia. The good friends that I have in Placencia stayed there for a year and a half, went back to the States for a week and returned to Placencia. I asked them why they came back so quickly and they said that they missed Placencia. It’s a great place to look at a serious retirement or real estate.
(Fishing contest winners at The Placencia Residences and Hotel, Placencia, Belize, pictured.)
Posted October 16, 2015
Paul Smith - Placencia Mini Storage

However, if you are living near ex-pats, that is to say, non locals who have come down here and brought with them their "I'm better then you are" attitudes, well then things may be different. Those kind of people may have a more difficult time getting along with these people. No doubt you will have a more difficult time getting along with those people, too.
I'd like to explain a little more. This is the exception but it is something that has happened and I think is worth knowing. Sad to say some have come down here and attempted to muscle or push their way in. They have an approach like... "Step aside... I'm taking over now". Some like this have come and taken advantage of locals who know little of those kinds of ways. The result makes for qualities that are not so good for neighbors. Qualities like "bitterness" and "animosity" towards foreigners who care only about themselves. I would like to say this! We should ALL remember the Golden Rule, "do to others as you would have them do to you". We should remember this is THEIR home! We are the foreigners! They have graciously accepted our presence in their country. If we consider ourselves as their guest we will be a good neighbor to them and ALL of us will be better neighbors.
(Garifuna women, Belize, pictured.)
Posted October 26, 2015