How good are the medical centers, hospitals and health clinics in Corozal, and how close are they?
Ed Parrish - Dumbbell Properties, LLC

Belize City is about a two-hour drive. Belize City has probably the best-equipped hospital in the country. Most of the doctors there have some US...

Belize City is about a two-hour drive. Belize City has probably the best-equipped hospital in the country. Most of the doctors there have some US training but the majority of them come from Central America.
The other alternative to Corozal is to head up to Merida, Mexico, which has world-class medical facilities. Merida has everything from plastic surgeons to heart doctors to eye doctors; anything that you could need. They’re mostly US trained. Merida is about a four-hour drive from Corozal.
(Coupon for Belize Medical Assistance Laboratory, Belize, pictured.)
Posted September 13, 2016