Are there English-speaking doctors in Corozal?
Mark Leonard

In Chetumal, Mexico, which is just across the border, less than 10 miles away, most speak Spanish and some speak English. The clinics in Chetumal offer all the services you would see in a clinic in the US or Canada.
(Clinica Campestre Medical Center, Chetumal, Mexico, pictured.)

In Chetumal, Mexico, which is just across the border, less than 10 miles away, most speak Spanish and some speak English. The clinics in Chetumal offer all the services you would see in a clinic in the US or Canada.
(Clinica Campestre Medical Center, Chetumal, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted September 21, 2016
David Berger - Tradewinds Hospitality at Orchid Bay
To go to the doctor is a very simple process. You don’t need an appointment. You just go and ask for the doctor, and it’s usually very inexpensive. People ask me all the time what we do for insurance, to which I reply, “We can’t afford that;...
To go to the doctor is a very simple process. You don’t need an appointment. You just go and ask for the doctor, and it’s usually very inexpensive. People ask me all the time what we do for insurance, to which I reply, “We can’t afford that; we just go to the doctor.”
Usually, if you had a good checkup or an exam, going to the doctor in Corozal would cost about BZ $35 (US $18) to spend a half hour with you and do a thorough check of you. The doctors speak perfect English. In fact, most of the doctors here in Corozal were trained in the US or in Mexico and learned English.
(Corozal Community Hospital, Corozal, Belize, pictured.)
Posted January 19, 2017