Death and Life in Mexico
This is not a story about how Mexico celebrates its Día de los Muertos ritual, or how Americans come here to retire... then forget to die. The other day I came across the black-and-white details of how and where US citizens meet their maker in foreign lands. You see, the US State Department is required by law to report non-natural deaths by US citizens in foreign countries.
Anyone who’s explored beyond the comforts of Western Europe knows our global village has some tough neighborhoods. In fact, in the two-years 2014-15 exactly 1,723 unfortunate US citizens ‘bought the farm’ beyond US soil. The categories to define cause of non-natural death range from air accidents to suicide, drowning, terrorism, various shades of vehicular demise and of course, homicide.
Anyone who’s explored beyond the comforts of Western Europe knows our global village has some tough neighborhoods. In fact, in the two-years 2014-15 exactly 1,723 unfortunate US citizens ‘bought the farm’ beyond US soil. The categories to define cause of non-natural death range from air accidents to suicide, drowning, terrorism, various shades of vehicular demise and of course, homicide.
The report reveals that “most citizens who die abroad were residing abroad” without defining ‘most’. Let’s say a blessing for these unfortunate souls. We have no doubt lost some talented ambassadors of American goodwill. No one wants to die alone in a foreign land. So we can assume most victims knew some degree of die-where-you-live comfort.
All non-natural death spells tragedy. Let’s pray some fatalities were in the pursuit of happiness. Crossing a London street after a pint (then looking the wrong way), or a sunset booze-cruise man-overboard can at least be understood with a twinge of ‘oh well…’
It’s natural that supposition and speculation come with the figures for Mexico. As neighbors we Americans have a familiarity with Mexico, whereas how can we get our mind around the fate of this poor fellow?
Mexico detractors will paint how more Americans die of non-natural causes in Mexico than any other country. This fact is true: 488 US citizens were reported dead of non-natural causes in the 24-month period 2014-2015. It’s 28.3% of the total body count. Mexico accounted for 50% of worldwide homicides involving US citizens. But before anyone calls Bill O’Reilly and launches another Mexico travel boycott, a level headed look at the figures is warranted.
Let’s not minimize how Mexico is in a war with narco traffickers who covet transit routes to US consumers. American guns, dollars and illicit demand are fueling a 10-year human tragedy which has snared thousands of innocent (and not so innocent) victims. It shouldn’t surprise any American that 92% of US homicides in Mexico happen in Mexico’s border states and/or regions rarely accessed by vacationers.
Headed on a beach vacation or to an inland big city? Here are the murder figures involving US citizens:

Source: US State Department
I’m not a statistician, however my brilliant son Andy is! So I asked him ‘On a typical day vacationing in a Mexico resort (over the next 24 months), what is the probability you will become a homicide victim?’
13 homicides in two years/10 million beach visitors/730 days=
.0000000178% probability
I suspect this figure is right up there with being hit by lightening while being eaten by a shark… and riding a unicycle.
Yes, more Americans die of non-natural causes in Mexico -- precisely because more US citizens live here. The same is true of vacation tragedies, such as drowning or vehicular accidents. With over 13 million Americans having fun down south during 2014-15, accidents are bound to follow, especially in a developing world setting where ‘personal responsibility’ means ‘watch out’ (and not ‘call your lawyer’).
So is Mexico safe? The million of us who call it home look at ‘safety’ through a different lens. Is it safe to drive a car? Not entirely. How about riding a bike? Not really. Walking on sidewalks? Uh, often no. Accidents happen, and some of us are luckier (and smarter) to avoid being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s part of death and life in Mexico.
Yes, more Americans die of non-natural causes in Mexico -- precisely because more US citizens live here. The same is true of vacation tragedies, such as drowning or vehicular accidents. With over 13 million Americans having fun down south during 2014-15, accidents are bound to follow, especially in a developing world setting where ‘personal responsibility’ means ‘watch out’ (and not ‘call your lawyer’).
So is Mexico safe? The million of us who call it home look at ‘safety’ through a different lens. Is it safe to drive a car? Not entirely. How about riding a bike? Not really. Walking on sidewalks? Uh, often no. Accidents happen, and some of us are luckier (and smarter) to avoid being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s part of death and life in Mexico.