What are the holidays of Portugal?
Carol Bartlett Ribeiro - Carol Bartlett Ribeiro, Property Consultant
Portugal has cut down quite a lot of holidays. Portugal is a Catholic country that had a tremendous amount of holidays for saints that they’ve had to cut down on.
Portugal has Easter, but you don’t have like you do in England, as Easter Monday. You just have Good Friday and Easter Sunday and then at Christmas you don’t have like you do in England with Boxing Day, which is a day after that. It doesn’t exist here in Portugal....
Portugal has cut down quite a lot of holidays. Portugal is a Catholic country that had a tremendous amount of holidays for saints that they’ve had to cut down on.
Portugal has Easter, but you don’t have like you do in England, as Easter Monday. You just have Good Friday and Easter Sunday and then at Christmas you don’t have like you do in England with Boxing Day, which is a day after that. It doesn’t exist here in Portugal. You just have December 24th, which is more celebrated than December 25th here.
In June you have quite a few holidays. The municipality of Lisbon will have a day in June and then the municipality of Cascais will have a day then another municipality will have a day, and so on. June is the month where they have the fairs, which are a bit like carnivals, where they eat all the sardines and they grill the sardines in the streets in Lisbon. June is sort of the holiday season.
Then you have days of saints, many of which are in the month of August. In England, the holidays occur on a Mondays, whereas here in Portugal, the holiday could be on a Thursday, so everybody, of course, will take the Friday off. There are quite a few holidays here.
(The Feast of Trays, or Feast of the Holy Spirit, Tomar, Portugal, pictured.)
Posted December 20, 2015