What is the business culture in Portugal?
Duncan MacGregor - Duncan MacGregor Accounting
The business culture in Portugal can be frustrating. The biggest problem in Portugal, as in other southern European countries, is that the legal system does not work. If you have a dispute to try and recover a debt, your case could take up to 15 years to get heard and there are people who use that situation to their advantage. The business culture here in Portugal is not at par as with Anglo-Saxon models; it has a much lower level.
There is a growing trend...
The business culture in Portugal can be frustrating. The biggest problem in Portugal, as in other southern European countries, is that the legal system does not work. If you have a dispute to try and recover a debt, your case could take up to 15 years to get heard and there are people who use that situation to their advantage. The business culture here in Portugal is not at par as with Anglo-Saxon models; it has a much lower level.
There is a growing trend towards entrepreneurship here in Portugal, although the problem is that small operations have very little access to funding. It’s not like in America where you have these venture capital and angel capital firms and other companies that help new businesses. Here, you basically have to ask your family to lend you money so you could set up a business.
(Queen Leonor in travel poster set in Caldas Da Rainha, Portugal, pictured.)
Posted December 26, 2015