How do I start a business in Portugal?
Duncan MacGregor - Duncan MacGregor Accounting
Starting a business in Portugal can be relatively simple because Portugal has an “On The Hour” facility whereby you can walk into a government department and basically set up a company in an hour.
Once you get the company running, that’s the only time the problem starts, because the bureaucracy comes in. It’s easy to start a business but it’s the rules after that which makes it a bit frustrating.
Starting a business in Portugal can be relatively simple because Portugal has an “On The Hour” facility whereby you can walk into a government department and basically set up a company in an hour.
Once you get the company running, that’s the only time the problem starts, because the bureaucracy comes in. It’s easy to start a business but it’s the rules after that which makes it a bit frustrating.
(Mário Centeno Minister of Finance, Portugal, pictured.)
Posted December 29, 2015