How much does it cost for a housekeeper or maid in Volcan and Cerro Punta, Chiriqui Province, Panama?
Tehany De La Guardia - Tehany Realty
A housekeeper or maid in Volcan or Cerro Punta costs between $150 to $225 per month, plus social security which is 12% of the salary.
Hope this info.helps,
A housekeeper or maid in Volcan or Cerro Punta costs between $150 to $225 per month, plus social security which is 12% of the salary.
Hope this info.helps,
Posted April 12, 2013
Wee-Yiong Fung - Prestige Panama Realty
You can hire a housekeeper or a maid in Volcán for around US $10 to $20 a day, but for some reason, the native Indians get paid less. There are housekeepers that come to work once a week or every day for 8 hours and there are some that stay in your home because most of these people don't have their own cars and they live far away, which is why they consider staying in.
Most of these housekeepers clean and cook and they do a good job for a US...
You can hire a housekeeper or a maid in Volcán for around US $10 to $20 a day, but for some reason, the native Indians get paid less. There are housekeepers that come to work once a week or every day for 8 hours and there are some that stay in your home because most of these people don't have their own cars and they live far away, which is why they consider staying in.
Most of these housekeepers clean and cook and they do a good job for a US $10 to $20 pay, but you have to be on top of it. You have to understand that these workers don't get paid much, which is why they would take the whole day to their chores. For example, I have one employee in my house who takes all day to just cook and clean, because that's a job that everybody is not proud of, so sometimes they go slower. I mean, if you have less aspiration, then I guess it would take you all day. So they take their time.
(House in Volcan, Panama, pictured.)
Posted July 1, 2015