What does it cost for a vacation rental in Volcan and Cerro Punta, Chiriqui Province, Panama?
Tabitha Paddock - Greenback Expat Tax Services
You can find fantastic deals in this area on vacation rentals in Volcan... Anywhere from $46-$146 USD a night... Even less if you have a long trip planned (i.e. a month long trip), as owners love long term renters.
You can find fantastic deals in this area on vacation rentals in Volcan... Anywhere from $46-$146 USD a night... Even less if you have a long trip planned (i.e. a month long trip), as owners love long term renters.
Posted April 25, 2013
John Gilbert - PanamaKeys
Close to Volcán is a little suburb called Paso Ancho, where...
Close to Volcán is a little suburb called Paso Ancho, where you’ll find a place called Las Plumas, a holiday resort that rents out five different vacation homes that you can rent for a minimum of a month to as long as 3-4 months. Las Plumas is beautiful. The guy who owns Las Plumas is Dutch, so Las Plumas was built to very exact Dutch standards in a beautiful setting where everything works. They have large bedrooms, large dining rooms and a large kitchen, and you can rent those out. Las Plumas always has a house or two available.
A holiday rental house with 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and is completely secluded behind its own private hedge inside a gated community costs approximately $1,200 a month. That rate will include the electricity bill, a bottle of gas for cooking, Wi-Fi, and getting the trash picked up. It’s a great and safe way to test out the area because you can feel completely secure inside the place.
(Covered terrace of a multi-home vacation rental property,Paso Ancho, near Volcan, Panama, pictured.)
Posted June 7, 2017