Is it safe to drink the water in Volcan and Cerro Punta, Chiriqui Province, Panama?
James David Audlin - Editores Volcán Barú
Is the water safely potable in the Volcán and Cerro Punta region? The answer to that question, pun intended, is rather fluid - it depends. If your water comes from JARPAN, the independent water system in the Paso Ancho area where I live, it is good, clean water, though once in a while it has bits of natural stuff floating in it that won´t hurt you in the slightest and is composed of natural minerals that are good for you. My wife and I have a little filtration system that we...
Is the water safely potable in the Volcán and Cerro Punta region? The answer to that question, pun intended, is rather fluid - it depends. If your water comes from JARPAN, the independent water system in the Paso Ancho area where I live, it is good, clean water, though once in a while it has bits of natural stuff floating in it that won´t hurt you in the slightest and is composed of natural minerals that are good for you. My wife and I have a little filtration system that we bought; we pour a pot of water into the top once a day and nice clean water (even cleaner than JARPAN´s) comes out when we want. If your water comes from a natural source (e.g., a well or stream), do check on the proximity of farms, and whether they use unhealthful chemicals on their crops. If you live in other communities where the water system is the national one, IDAAN, I cannot promise good quality. When we go to visit friends and relatives in other parts of the country the tap water tastes awful, and the news reports that in some regions drinking water is unavailable because of certain "development" projects. The situation locally may change, if IDAAN succeeds in its efforts to take over JARPAN.
Posted June 11, 2013
Tehany De La Guardia - Tehany Realty
It´s safe to drink water in Volcan and Cerro Punta area since our aqueduct comes from the springs on the base of the Baru Volcano, so it is pure mineral water. Some people said that they had some stomach problems that they attributed to drinking the water, but I personally don't think so. However, if you want to feel even safer you can put a water filter in your house.
It´s safe to drink water in Volcan and Cerro Punta area since our aqueduct comes from the springs on the base of the Baru Volcano, so it is pure mineral water. Some people said that they had some stomach problems that they attributed to drinking the water, but I personally don't think so. However, if you want to feel even safer you can put a water filter in your house.
Posted February 8, 2014
John Gilbert - PanamaKeys
(Property with two rivers running through it,...
(Property with two rivers running through it, near Volcan, Panama, pictured.)
Posted February 18, 2017