What's the cost to rent an apartment in the Panama City, Panama suburb of Fort Clayton / Clayton?
Rafael Alvarado - Rafael Alvarado / Attorney / Real Estate Broker
The average cost to rent a 2 bedroom / 2 bathroom apartment inside the Clayton area is around $1,300 - $1,500 per month. Water, gas and security are usually included in the price.
The average cost to rent a 2 bedroom / 2 bathroom apartment inside the Clayton area is around $1,300 - $1,500 per month. Water, gas and security are usually included in the price.
Posted July 22, 2013
Anne Gordon de Barrigón - Whale Watching Panama/Emberá Village Tours
The cost to rent an apartment in Clayton, Panama could start around US $1,000 up to $4,000 per month. For $1,000 you could get a one-bedroom, one bathroom apartment probably in one of the older duplex or four-plex buildings, as opposed to in one of the newer apartment buildings. This price would be in the same range even if you go a little bit out of Clayton towards Albrook.
The cost to rent an apartment in Clayton, Panama could start around US $1,000 up to $4,000 per month. For $1,000 you could get a one-bedroom, one bathroom apartment probably in one of the older duplex or four-plex buildings, as opposed to in one of the newer apartment buildings. This price would be in the same range even if you go a little bit out of Clayton towards Albrook.
Posted December 16, 2014