What's the price of a home, condo or apartment in Clayton / Fort Clayton, Panama City, Panama?
Renate Jope - Panama Premium Real Estate
Prices of a home in Ft. Clayton, Panama Canal Zone, a suburb of Panama City, Panama, now also called City of Knowledge, start at around $190,000.00 and so do apartments and go up to over one million. The area is beautiful, green and peaceful and safe. A lot of World Non-Profit organizations have their location in Clayton, Florida State University has its campus there and many other well known companies.
Prices of a home in Ft. Clayton, Panama Canal Zone, a suburb of Panama City, Panama, now also called City of Knowledge, start at around $190,000.00 and so do apartments and go up to over one million. The area is beautiful, green and peaceful and safe. A lot of World Non-Profit organizations have their location in Clayton, Florida State University has its campus there and many other well known companies.
Posted March 3, 2013
Rafael Alvarado - Rafael Alvarado / Attorney / Real Estate Broker
The price of a home in Clayton, which is a suburb of Panama City, Panama, could range from $200,000 - $1,000,000, but it´s just a matter of knowing where to look and negotiating the price right out off the bat, something like this: "Hi, I´m interested in the house you´re selling.....but the prices I´m seeing around are WAY better..."
And there....BOOM!!! you´re in business!!! Good luck and welcome!!!

The price of a home in Clayton, which is a suburb of Panama City, Panama, could range from $200,000 - $1,000,000, but it´s just a matter of knowing where to look and negotiating the price right out off the bat, something like this: "Hi, I´m interested in the house you´re selling.....but the prices I´m seeing around are WAY better..."
And there....BOOM!!! you´re in business!!! Good luck and welcome!!!
You should be in the white car :).

Posted April 29, 2013