How much is it to build a house in the Panama City, Panama suburb of Fort Clayton / Clayton?
Vannessa Solano
The cost to build a house in Fort Clayton would probably be in the range of US $400,000 -$600,000. Sometimes, the prices could be even more. However, it’s very rare to find an open lot in Fort Clayton since the houses are already built.
For the entire house, the price per square meter in Fort Clayton would be around US $2,000-$2,500. So if you have a 300 square meter house (a little over 3,200 feet), that’s going to cost you around $600,000-...
The cost to build a house in Fort Clayton would probably be in the range of US $400,000 -$600,000. Sometimes, the prices could be even more. However, it’s very rare to find an open lot in Fort Clayton since the houses are already built.
For the entire house, the price per square meter in Fort Clayton would be around US $2,000-$2,500. So if you have a 300 square meter house (a little over 3,200 feet), that’s going to cost you around $600,000- $750,000.
Although you can buy an existing structure in Clayton and destroy it later to build a new house like they do in some very, very expensive areas in the US, that would be very expensive for Fort Clayton. Normally, people won’t destroy the house. What they’ll do is just make some renovations.
Posted September 3, 2014