What's the crime rate against Americans and other expats in the Panama City, Panama suburb of Fort Clayton / Clayton?
Andre Niederhauser - Archipelago Hotels
There is very limited crime committed on any residents in Fort Clayton. American residents are just as safe as any other nationality, possibly more so as there is a respect for the American past in Panama and in Clayton.
I have lived in 17 countries and Clayton rates as number 2 safest area after Bermuda (just much cheaper to live in).
There is very limited crime committed on any residents in Fort Clayton. American residents are just as safe as any other nationality, possibly more so as there is a respect for the American past in Panama and in Clayton.
I have lived in 17 countries and Clayton rates as number 2 safest area after Bermuda (just much cheaper to live in).
Posted August 19, 2013
Anne Gordon de Barrigón - Whale Watching Panama/Emberá Village Tours
The Clayton area, because it is sort of the high income area, it is a little bit of a target for crimes, but it is nothing bad. People are aware of that. Some crimes happen there, but they are crimes that happen anywhere else in the world. Clayton is a very safe community and has nice big parks where it is safe for the kids to ride their bikes on their own. It is not something that you need to be worried about. You just need to have common sense like you would anywhere.
The Clayton area, because it is sort of the high income area, it is a little bit of a target for crimes, but it is nothing bad. People are aware of that. Some crimes happen there, but they are crimes that happen anywhere else in the world. Clayton is a very safe community and has nice big parks where it is safe for the kids to ride their bikes on their own. It is not something that you need to be worried about. You just need to have common sense like you would anywhere.
I wouldn’t consider Clayton as a dangerous place, but there had been some break- ins in the past, just like anywhere in the world.
Posted December 15, 2014