Are there American-trained doctors in Coronado, Panama?
Jaime Patino

Posted October 1, 2013
Daryl Ries - Keller Williams Panama, associate
Posted April 4, 2014
Lourdes Townshend
Panamanian´s Education Abroad
Although private high schools in Panamá are highly qualified, a good percentage of Panamanian students seek secondary education in other countries with the most advanced technology, mostly Spain, India and Germany among others, and even in other countries on the American continent, like the United States, Mexico, Canada, Argentina, Colombia, or Brazil.
The administration in Panamá is making a good effort to improve...
Panamanian´s Education Abroad
Although private high schools in Panamá are highly qualified, a good percentage of Panamanian students seek secondary education in other countries with the most advanced technology, mostly Spain, India and Germany among others, and even in other countries on the American continent, like the United States, Mexico, Canada, Argentina, Colombia, or Brazil.
The administration in Panamá is making a good effort to improve public education, primarily in those subjects that will have the most impact in today´s economy, like language studies in English and Chinese, and careers directly focused in logistics, multimodal, technology, maritime, environmental sciences and subjects like modern medical specialties, navy engineering, hydraulic power, etc., many of which have to do with the Panamá Canal, ports and airports.
Fortunately, Panamá is today a country that, even with the worldwide economic crisis, can proudly say that unemployment is very low, and essentially at zero in some places.
All these are reasons why around the world, people are looking into Panamá as one of the leaders in the region, and a country that offers it all, even with a small territorial size, but with beautiful things to offer, along with a good quality of life that is much higher than other countries, and an excellent weather. Panamá is an excellent choice if you want to be around nature 24/7, and live longer with that piece of mind that you can get from a low stress environment, if you choose it.
Specifically with regard to the medical field, Panamá offers high quality medical schools at universities. Students graduate from these medical schools in the thousands, and the demand for these qualified students is high, and recognized by many countries.
Students are always looking for more training and education, in order to satisfy the great demand for their services in Panamá. Included are sophisticated and very unusual medical fields, such as alternative medicine, spas combined with the most modern techniques, reconstructive and plastic surgery, and cosmetics.
After being very well trained in local hospitals, students must complete a mandatory two years of practice before they can get their title, and pass the final exam. After that, the great majority go abroad to continue superior studies perhaps that are not offered in Panamá, in order to experience different technologies and practices. Overall, medical students take a minimum 8 years of study until they are ready to practice on their own.
At the present time, due to a lack of medical specialists in some areas, the Panamanian government is offering some positions to foreign doctors for a specific period of time, after these foreign doctors comply with the requirements.
Panamá has excellent modern private hospitals, like the Punta Pacífica (associated to the John Hopkins Hospital in the US), Paitilla, San Fernando (Panamá and Coronado), Clínica Hospital Nacional, Santa Fé, Clínica Hospital Bella Vista, San Judas Tadeo, and some state hospitals like Santo Tomás (with a prime trauma center), 24 Diciembre, San Miguel Arcángel and others in the "interior" (other parts of the country besides the capital city), as well as the Social Security hospital, for Panamanians under this plan.
The "hospital city" is under construction, which will concentrate all state needs in hospitalization, and will be one of the most modern centers in the region.
In addition, all visitors have the benefit of a 30 days free medical emergency insurance, all included, courtesy of the government Tourism Authority, which has been very successful for many years. Panamá is the only country that offers that service. Visitors can request the brochure upon entrance to the International airport.
[Editor’s note: According to a press release August 1, 2014, the Panama Authority of Tourism stated that no charge tourist insurance coverage is no longer being offered.]
Posted April 10, 2014
Denise MacDonald - My Panama Real Estate
Posted November 4, 2014
Melissa Darnay - Choose Panama

Because Coronado is just an hour from the Panama City, you can also get anything you need, whether...

Because Coronado is just an hour from the Panama City, you can also get anything you need, whether it’s cosmetic surgery or just something you think you need in the city for a fraction of the price of what it would cost in a First World country. For example, from the US, there are a lot of people who come to Panama for medical tourism. If they need to have dental implants, it would cost about 25% of what it would cost in the US, so you save 75%.
Many of the doctors that I’ve been to in Panama have had practices in the US. They’re Panamanians. In order to be a doctor here, they do have to be Panamanian. Either they were born here and then went to medical school in the US, stayed in the US, and had a practice, or they did training in the US. Almost every doctor who I’ve been to or talked to in Coronado has either had some sort of training or actually had a practice in the US.
Posted August 10, 2015
Evie Brooks - Panama Vacation Realty

Posted November 15, 2015
David Bayliss - KW PACIFICA

Posted March 17, 2016