How is David, Chiriqui Province, Panama cost of living compared to Boquete, Chiriqui Province?
Vicky Wilson - Boquete Now Realty
In comparison, David's cost of living is quite lower than that of Boquete. A couple can live well and comfortably, depending on their basic needs and life style, on a retirement monthly income of $1,200-$1,500 or less including housing.
In comparison, David's cost of living is quite lower than that of Boquete. A couple can live well and comfortably, depending on their basic needs and life style, on a retirement monthly income of $1,200-$1,500 or less including housing.
Better prices in the most important necessities and the reduction in cost of living, complemented by the agricultural, farming and cattle raising in the surrounding Districts, make the City of David a thriving city in the making for a viable retirement destination.
Its attractive and vibrant nature landscaping have been giving way to an array of affordable, modern and comfortable new residential developments.
Posted January 10, 2013
Renate Jope - Panama Premium Real Estate
I think the biggest difference between David being at sea level and Boquete being at a significant elevation next to Volcan Baru, is the climate. The temperatures are so delicious up in the's like spring time year round, cool and crisp. David is hot and humid.
Relative to the cost of living in David (which is in Chiriqui Province, Panama) compared to Boquete (also in Chiriqui Province, Panama), I know of people with a rental house of around $500 - $600 per month, you...
I think the biggest difference between David being at sea level and Boquete being at a significant elevation next to Volcan Baru, is the climate. The temperatures are so delicious up in the's like spring time year round, cool and crisp. David is hot and humid.
Relative to the cost of living in David (which is in Chiriqui Province, Panama) compared to Boquete (also in Chiriqui Province, Panama), I know of people with a rental house of around $500 - $600 per month, you can figure out the rest of the I think it depends on what you are looking for. I love Boquete myself! It has a great expat community, there are many 'eclectic' types and it's growing steadily. There are a lot of things going on. One of the biggest events of the year is the "Boquete Jazz and Blues Fest" coming up the end of February this year.
BUT David has a lot of great shopping, all the stores your heart desires, the beaches are closer by.... but it's hot...
Posted January 13, 2013
Ivan Marquez - Manglar lodge
Food at restaurants and supermarkets is the same story. David will be cheaper since local people from Panama live and work here. Boquete is a little more touristic and lots of people from different countries that have moved there in the last 10 years.
But if you can afford the higher cost, Boquete is...
Food at restaurants and supermarkets is the same story. David will be cheaper since local people from Panama live and work here. Boquete is a little more touristic and lots of people from different countries that have moved there in the last 10 years.
But if you can afford the higher cost, Boquete is way lot nicer than David and has the best weather in Panama.
Posted January 18, 2013
Allen Rosen - Chiriqui Coastal Real Estate
Posted February 8, 2013
Paul McBride - Inside Panama Real Estate
Posted June 26, 2013
Posted September 6, 2013
Spokesperson - Centro Medico Mae Lewis
Posted December 20, 2013
Lissy Lezcano - Lissy Lezcano Attorney & Mediator

If you are looking to rent a house in town in Boquete, you have to prepare for a higher price. A small house in Boquete could cost around $500 to $1,000 per month. The same house in David would be around $300 to $500 per month. Everything else in David, like food and clothing, are also cheaper.
One of the higher expenses of living in David is that you would have to use your air-conditioning, whereas in Boquete, you don’t have to. I live in David because it is more convenient for my work, and also because I’m younger. For me, it’s better to live in David because everything is nearby. I don’t have to drive 45 minutes from Boquete to get to David because all the public offices are located in David, such as the notary, the public registry, the public ministry, the courthouse, etc. I don’t have to drive 45 minutes to 1 hour from Boquete to David to submit documents or to do errands. I have clients in Boquete, but when I have a meeting I try to schedule three or four clients on the same day so I can I can get it all done on one trip to Boquete. I go to Boquete every two weeks to visit my clients or they come down to David when they have to go shopping, go on a doctor’s appointment, and come to my office here.
Posted June 14, 2015
Penny Barrett - Fundacion Bid 4 Bouquete

Posted June 14, 2015
Ricord (Ric) Winstead, MD - Retirement Services International

Posted July 16, 2015

Posted July 19, 2015
Valerie Bennett

Posted January 16, 2016
Jorge Krzysik

Posted May 2, 2016