What's the language most often spoken in Boquete, Panama? Can I get by if I just speak English?
Renate Jope - Panama Premium Real Estate
Posted March 3, 2013
Dianne Heidke - The Boquete Handbook
Posted April 11, 2013
Linda Jensen
Posted July 25, 2014
Frank Stegmeier - Rio Encantado
Frankly many ex-pats here in the...
Frankly many ex-pats here in the Boquete area do not speak any Spanish and they get along OK. But seriously, it’s best to learn basic communication. Here there are Spanish schools with one-on-one instruction or in groups.
Posted August 20, 2014
Vannessa Solano
If you speak to the locals in Boquete, they would normally speak Spanish but there are a lot of people who speak English as well. You do not have to speak fluent Spanish but you should at least know some basic words in order to get around. Speaking even just a little bit of Spanish will help you a lot, most especially in the open-air market. You will get what you really want if you know a little Spanish. You will get around without speaking a lot of Spanish by using some hand gestures and...
If you speak to the locals in Boquete, they would normally speak Spanish but there are a lot of people who speak English as well. You do not have to speak fluent Spanish but you should at least know some basic words in order to get around. Speaking even just a little bit of Spanish will help you a lot, most especially in the open-air market. You will get what you really want if you know a little Spanish. You will get around without speaking a lot of Spanish by using some hand gestures and body language but it helps a lot if you know at least some Spanish because that way you know what the locals are talking about and you will not feel awkward.
Posted October 7, 2014
Penny Barrett - Fundacion Bid 4 Bouquete
The language that is widely spoken in Boquete is of course Spanish because Panama is a Spanish-speaking country. However, because of the large settlement of expats in Boquete, there are a lot of jobs that require Panamanians to learn some English. That has attracted English-speaking Panamanians from other locations to come to Boquete. There is a high concentration of English-speaking Panamanians in service jobs such as hotel clerks, waiters in restaurants, and clerks in the...
The language that is widely spoken in Boquete is of course Spanish because Panama is a Spanish-speaking country. However, because of the large settlement of expats in Boquete, there are a lot of jobs that require Panamanians to learn some English. That has attracted English-speaking Panamanians from other locations to come to Boquete. There is a high concentration of English-speaking Panamanians in service jobs such as hotel clerks, waiters in restaurants, and clerks in the stores.
When you live in Boquete it is better if you learn some rudimentary Spanish. There are two very good Spanish language schools here. You can certainly get by with just basic Spanish. You can survive without it but it does not enhance your life here if you do not know any Spanish at all.
Posted October 13, 2014
Roger J. Pentecost - Boquete Valley of Flowers Condos
Posted October 17, 2014
Lola Braxton - Services Toby
Posted October 25, 2014
Georgina Chanapi - Lucero Homes Golf & Country Club

Posted April 11, 2015
Alberto Socarraz - Panama Vida

Posted September 1, 2015
Kathya de Chong - Alto Boquete Condominios

Posted November 9, 2017