How long will I have to wait for a doctor's appointment in Bocas Del Toro, Panama?
John Wauson - Bocas Water Sports
In Bocas del Toro you have to wait a long time for a doctor's appointment. There is a local clinic here, but no doctors to go see. We do have an organization, Floating Doctors, here, but they have been banned from the local clinic and cannot practice here on Isla Colon where Bocas del Toro is located.
The real answer here is that you have to travel to David, Panama or Panama City, Panama for medical care. Panama City is only an hour away by plane, but...
In Bocas del Toro you have to wait a long time for a doctor's appointment. There is a local clinic here, but no doctors to go see. We do have an organization, Floating Doctors, here, but they have been banned from the local clinic and cannot practice here on Isla Colon where Bocas del Toro is located.
The real answer here is that you have to travel to David, Panama or Panama City, Panama for medical care. Panama City is only an hour away by plane, but David can only be reached via car or bus and is approximately 3 to 4 hours away. There are excellent facilities and doctors in both places.
The better answer is that the Panamanian government has seen fit to build a new, modern clinic here in Bocas del Toro.
Posted January 14, 2014


The beauty of dealing with the doctors here in Bocas Del Toro is that you can pick up a phone, call your doctor, and they will answer the phone. It is very easy to get a doctor’s appointment here in Bocas Del Toro, just as it is easy in Panama City. Just tell them that you need to come, and they will make an appointment for you. It is totally different than in the US.
Posted February 10, 2015