What's the crime rate against Americans and other expats in Bocas Del Toro, Panama?
monique born - Tesoro Escondido Eco Lodge and Cabinas
Bocas del Toro has a very mixed population of expats from all over the world; local people, whose heritage is also from various part of the world; and indigenous people. I will only guess, but based on my many years of living here, the majority of "crimes" are fights between indigenous people, following some heavy drinking in cantinas on Saturday night. Petty theft happens across the board; it does not matter where you come from. In other words, if there is a thief, he will...
Bocas del Toro has a very mixed population of expats from all over the world; local people, whose heritage is also from various part of the world; and indigenous people. I will only guess, but based on my many years of living here, the majority of "crimes" are fights between indigenous people, following some heavy drinking in cantinas on Saturday night. Petty theft happens across the board; it does not matter where you come from. In other words, if there is a thief, he will not target Americans specifically, he will target "stuff".
Posted April 23, 2013
GISELLE SOCARRAZ - Real Estate Chiriqui
Against people of all nationalities (including Panamanians), the crime rate is fairly low in Bocas Del Toro and usually never rises above a pickpocket or a bar fight (most of which involve tourists bopping other tourists).
Use common sense and a bit of discretion, and you'll find that Bocas is a fun, safe place.
Use common sense and a bit of discretion, and you'll find that Bocas is a fun, safe place.
Against people of all nationalities (including Panamanians), the crime rate is fairly low in Bocas Del Toro and usually never rises above a pickpocket or a bar fight (most of which involve tourists bopping other tourists).
Use common sense and a bit of discretion, and you'll find that Bocas is a fun, safe place.
Use common sense and a bit of discretion, and you'll find that Bocas is a fun, safe place.
Posted August 20, 2013
Tyson Merrill - Island Property Management S.A.
Very minimal amount of crime in Bocas del Toro. Mostly petty theft during the low seasons when work is scarce. Mostly occurs on beaches with nearby jungle by juveniles, who target small electronics or cash. I feel much safer in Bocas del Toro than I do in my hometown of Houston, Texas.
Very minimal amount of crime in Bocas del Toro. Mostly petty theft during the low seasons when work is scarce. Mostly occurs on beaches with nearby jungle by juveniles, who target small electronics or cash. I feel much safer in Bocas del Toro than I do in my hometown of Houston, Texas.
Posted November 21, 2014
Typically, tourists go to the beach, put their...
Typically, tourists go to the beach, put their backpacks down, and go swimming. That is a big “no, no” down here in Bocas Del Toro. You ought to have somebody with your belongings at all times on the beach. “Snipers,” as we call them, run out from the woods. They snatch your bags, take your valuables out, and throw your bags away. Hardly anybody ever loses their passports or credit cards, because those things are not valuable to these opportunists.
Posted February 7, 2015