Is there diving, SCUBA or snorkeling in or around Bastimentos, Panama?
Dennis Dean Smith - DennisDeanSmith
Yes, there are some great areas for diving around or near Basimentos. Favorites include the coral reef off of the Caribbean side of Bastimentos. Others are the Crawl Key area and the Zapatilla Islands, both in the Bastimentos National Marine Park. There is also a nice reef off of Carenero's Caribbean side. History buffs dive off of Hospital Point on Solarte (Nancy's Key). At the turn of the century, there was a hospital there which served the Chiquita Banana operations. Empty...
Yes, there are some great areas for diving around or near Basimentos. Favorites include the coral reef off of the Caribbean side of Bastimentos. Others are the Crawl Key area and the Zapatilla Islands, both in the Bastimentos National Marine Park. There is also a nice reef off of Carenero's Caribbean side. History buffs dive off of Hospital Point on Solarte (Nancy's Key). At the turn of the century, there was a hospital there which served the Chiquita Banana operations. Empty medicine bottles and other hubris were simply thrown into the bay. Though depleted over time, you can still find old medicine bottles which are now rare antiques. There are several diving operations in the islands that can help you find, and take you to, the best diving-snorkeling areas. Prices are reasonable and equipment can be rented. Enjoy!
Posted February 7, 2014